Looking for motivated friends

hevatitis Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi, I'm looking for some motivated people to help keep me on track. I'm terrible at staying focused and think having others to remind/encourage me would make a huge difference! I'd be as helpful and encouraging as possible in return. Im 5"7 and currently weigh 67.8ish kg (scales are a bit dodgy lol) and my goal weight is around 63-64kg. Looking forward to meeting some of you!


  • rhiannongrindley
    rhiannongrindley Posts: 52 Member
    Hi. I have just joined today and would love some motivation too so feel free to add me if you want. :) I always manage to get about 6kgs away from my goal weight and then slowly start creeping back up to where I started...sigh...currently back at starting point so starting the journey all over again.
    Hope you manage to stay motivated and reach your goal! :)
  • joannajohnson295
    joannajohnson295 Posts: 27 Member
    And you can add me (my phone is very temperamental so try and add me instead of vice cersa). I am motivated to exercise but do occasionalky need a kick up the behind when i feel a sugar/carb binge coming on!!! I joined the gym to lose weight but also i was struggling with regular low mood and i have to say it has helped enormously. I feel so much better in myself and that keeps my moticated to go back about 3 times a week.
  • hevatitis
    hevatitis Posts: 4 Member
    Hi :) I will add you guys now!
  • kbernier10211
    kbernier10211 Posts: 9 Member
    I also need motivation too! I need someone to hold me accountable as well. Maybe we can share what we do each day, food and exercise wise I mean. Keep each other on track. I'm not a small person, never has been. Would like to lose 30-40 lbs and I'll be happy.
  • hevatitis
    hevatitis Posts: 4 Member
    Would love to add you, will do so now :)
  • navdeeprana
    navdeeprana Posts: 473 Member
    Feel free to add. YOU can do it. Stay strong
  • HotStuffSoon
    HotStuffSoon Posts: 3 Member
    I am newly recommitted to health and wellness. I am finding the food diary amazingly helpful. I try not to "lie", but if i make a homemade recipe it is difficult to document all of the ingredients.
  • daflipremix
    daflipremix Posts: 25 Member
    I hear ya on your struggles. I started my fitness journey close to a year ago at 195 lbs, a 2 liter soda belly, and suffering from gout attacks (yeah really.) I would start a regime, but consistency would always attack me. After due diligence and some missteps, right now I am 164 lbs, abs are no longer a myth for me, and haven't had a gout attack since (knock on wood.) I would love to share any help to anyone who wants to seek the path to a better life. You can do it!!!
  • kmtoblesky
    kmtoblesky Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me. Accountability partners needed!
  • Breezyy32
    Breezyy32 Posts: 39 Member
    Add me if you want, just make sure you're spending your time doing the right stuff and you'll get your goal a lot quicker