Seeking 40s success stories



  • desert_mom
    desert_mom Posts: 91 Member
    edited July 2016

    I totally feel this way! All I did is WISH that I was thinner! I have started MFP 20 times with low daily calorie goal to get it off quick...obviously I went over every single day and felt guilty and eventually quit. I am 44 and this time around I am starting at 1800 calories per day, exercising moderately (as not to injure myself) but not eating back those calories and I have been under calorie goal every single day so far. My goal is 1 lb per week. It is an achievable goal right now. One day at a time!

    May I ask how tall you are with that calorie goal? I'm just wondering because I've failed many times due to my low calorie target, so I'm trying to find a reasonable number. Thanks!
  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Of course it's possible, it all comes down to the choices you make. I'm 42 and have been good livin' now going on four years...I'm leaner, healthier, and more fit than I was in my 20s. It's all about your choices and developing and nurturing healthy habits.

    I'd recommend letting go of the "motivation" thing...motivation is a fleeting emotion and if that's all you're working with then it's never going to work. We all do things every single day for which we are not motivated to do...I'm rarely motivated to go out and mow the lawn or do the dishes or vacuum the house or clean the bathroom...but these things need doing or else my house would go to I do them...your body is your house...take care of your house!

    As far as exercise goes, find something you enjoy doing rather than forcing yourself to do X because that's what seems appropriate...not that you're always going to want to do it, but if you're doing something you more or less enjoy you are going to be more inclined to do it and participate even when you're not really feeling it.

    As eating goes, healthy/nutritious foods don't have to be bland or boring...I cook like a boss and the vast majority of what I prepare is highly nutritious as well as delicious...IMO, it's not difficult to eat nutritiously unless you're just boiling chicken and broccoli or other inane things people do because they think that's the only way to eat healthy. Eat a wide variety of fruits and veg prepared in a variety of a variety of lean sourced protein prepared in a variety of your whole grains and legumes and your good heart healthy fats from things like avocados and nuts and good cooking oils.

    This has to be some of the best real advice! I'm turning 40 this year myself, started my lifestyle change about 3 years ago losing 60 lbs. Even then it was very difficult. I've stalled and gave up thinking this is as far as I can probably go. After reading cwolfman13 post, it reminded me of what I need to do. You can do it too!
  • mcdonagk
    mcdonagk Posts: 136 Member
    Can't really add to all excellent advice above, I'm 42 and in the best shape of my life. Age is definitely just a number.
  • bfurlano22
    bfurlano22 Posts: 6 Member
    Can anyone advise on strengthening stomach area? I've been 6'4 230 & recently years past down to 193. Regardless my stomach is always the last to go. I lose weight in my limbs first. I do running, biking, some yoga, free weights/bench and planks but can't tone up that stomach so far. Any tips?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited July 2016
    bfurlano22 wrote: »
    Can anyone advise on strengthening stomach area? I've been 6'4 230 & recently years past down to 193. Regardless my stomach is always the last to go. I lose weight in my limbs first. I do running, biking, some yoga, free weights/bench and planks but can't tone up that stomach so far. Any tips?

    Progressive lifting - major compound lifts - squats, deads, pull-ups, push-ups etc - follow a structured programme like strong lifts / starting strength etc
    Drop body fat - it's often the last place to hold on to fat

    by the way I'm 49 and have been in shape just over 2 years
    - from a standing start of obese couch potato mother of 2 I've dropped 55lbs, hit 22-23% BF, no more asthmatic or anxiety attacks, eat well, active and love the gym

    .... it is more than possible - I also can't add anything much to the advice in this thread, you've just got to go for it and use your stubborness to get over the hard bits, hard to add much to wolfman's excellent advice upthread

    and the progress pictures on here are just stunning
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    Yes it is absolutely possible. I'm 48 and have lost 120lbs over the last 14months. Full story here:
  • desimonedave
    desimonedave Posts: 4 Member
    Yup. Just as others have said. Totally possible and happy to say it. I've had a weight problem my whole life. Lost 100lbs in my 20's but slowly gained a good portion of that back in my thirties due to a lifestyle change (desk job, etc.). Though I was always active it really wasn't until I got the app that I could figure out nutrition which is required as we age.

    I'm 43 and have lost 92 pounds since January of 2015 when I first got MFP. While I always went to the gym my activity level has increased because I can. Playing hockey now for the first time since I was a teenager, and while I pulled some muscles and they took longer to heal than when I was younger, they healed and I kept playing. Picked up snowboarding this year which I've never done and haven't skied since I was a teenager and while the huge bruise on my *kitten* took longer to heal than when I was younger, it healed and I kept going. I have a pulled muscle in my forearm right now that's sore while I'm typing from a mountain biking trip I just took with friends, but it'll heal and I'm gonna go again at the end of this month.

    What's more is that I have about 20 more pounds to lose that I didn't get to when I was in my 20's because I think I had a bit of a mental block. I couldn't quite get past that last plateau. But I'm wiser now and I know I can and I know I will. What held me back before won't now because I've got more behind me. Yes it's tough and probably even physically tougher than years before. But mentally I can apply what the years have taught me.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    Well I'm 48 and this morning I finally reached my goal. I'm now the slimmest I have been since my early 20's and I'm probably fitter now too. I don't remember ever running a mile or more since I left school. It's never too late to do it!
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I too have hypothyroidism and 45. If I can do it, so can you!fvxxkcehpu98.jpg
  • Manyclassicmoments
    Manyclassicmoments Posts: 50 Member
    47 years old have tried for years to lose and stay consistent, finally getting an understanding of what's required, a lot of thanks to MFP and its community

    Wow, you look fantastic!
  • RunnerGirl1402
    RunnerGirl1402 Posts: 8 Member
    I too have reached my goal, lost 28lb since February. 46 years old, always been a runner but the old adage is certainly true about not being able to outrun your fork. Currently 112 and running faster than I have in 20 years. MFP community is amazing!
  • jon1435
    jon1435 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new to MFP community, I'm currently on day three of my diary so hello to everyone :) I turned 47 at the end of June and decided back in April that I wanted to lose a bit of weight and get fitter. I weighed 171/2 stone ( 245 lbs ) and wanted to get down to 15 stone ( 210lbs ) by the time I was 47. I had no idea if it was possible as I'd never really tried to get fit before so I just worked out how many weeks I had ( 13 ) and how many lbs a week I needed to lose to hit my goal ( 3lbs ) That sounded a lot easier than losing 35lbs in 3 months :) I joined a local gym and did circuit training classes, kettle bell classses etc as well as weight training and changed my diet completely. Originally I was just going to make few minor changes like cutting down on alcohol and take aways but it pretty soon became a complete lifestyle change with no alcohol, take aways or junk food and a healthy balanced diet with no processed food. The exercise routine was tough at the beginning but the instructors at the gym were very supportive I stuck at it and that coupled with the diet change began to pay off quickly and by the time my birthday came round last month I'd beaten my target of weighing 15 stone and actually weighed 13stone 11llb ( 193lbs) Now I feel fitter than I have since I was a teenager, I've taken up running ( treadmill 5Ks at the moment but about to start actual outdoor running ) I go to the gym every day and I'm still losing weight and sticking to he diet. I wanted to fine tune my diet to try and make sure I'm losing fat rather than lean tissue which is what led me to MFP three days ago ... and here I am :) Here's my before and after piccies, the first ones are from back in April when I started and I took the ones underneath on my birthday at the end of June. The weight loss has slowed down now but I've still lost another 4lbs since then and currently weigh 13 stone 7llbs ( 189llbs )
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