40 + working moms

Hi there
Looking generally to connect with motivational peeps but also those who are in the same boat.

I work full time in a demanding professional role and have 2 young kids. I try to give 100% to both which has left little for me. I would love to connect with other working moms who have found ways to make time for themselves or other moms trying to figure it out like me.


  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    43 year old working full time as an engineer. Currently only have 2 children left at home, and the others are all grown and either working, or off to college. I'm really good about posting motivation during the work week while on conference calls. LOL. I'd love to have friends who support me too. I have an open diary and log everything.
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    I fit this description. I have 2 teenagers and a full time stressful job. I struggle with balance so much.
  • Smithkulaga
    Smithkulaga Posts: 2 Member
    hi - working mom with two tweens. just started tracking my meals after a 70# weight gain, so I've got a lot of work to do. staying motivated is difficult and having so much to loose (need to loose at least 90) is quite intimidating... but I WILL do it this time, and keep it off. would love to connect with others to help with accountability, ideas for meals and overall support.
  • Doityesterday
    Doityesterday Posts: 7 Member
    Dear CindyLC2015,
    I have a very demanding and time consuming job with a 6 year old and a 22 month old. I find the balancing act almost impossible. However, I have to make a change so I can fit back into my pre-baby work clothes.

    I'd appreciate hearing from you if you're interested in trying to motivate each other.
