Auto-immune diseases and anti-inflammatory eating plan



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have type 1 diabetes and hashimoto's. No matter how I eat, my pancreas will not re-grow beta cells. Cutting carbs does help to make insulin quantities and timing more predictable and avoid BG spikes. As for Hashi's, nothing has made a noticeable difference.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    You should form a group.
  • kimby303
    kimby303 Posts: 36 Member
    I have RA, and when I cut out sugar (anything that was sweet or whose main/first three ingredients were sugar), I improved so much I would forget I even had RA. No joke! Unfortunately, I'm on the "crack" now, having slipped back into my addiction over the past few months, and I hurt every day. Today is Day 1 of "sobriety."
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    My mother has multiple sclerosis (though there is debate whether that is an auto-immune or immune-mediated disease). While she always had a "clean", "whole", low-glycemic lifestyle (just the luck of the food culture she grew up with), her disease progressed requiring her to move into a adult facility a year ago where all food is prepared for her. She is fed a high-salt, high-fat, processed diet and it has been terrible. Her disease is progressing more quickly than before, she is more depressed, lower energy, and has far more digestive issues than before. It's not all because of the food she is fed, but that has to be contributing to it. The digestive issues alone have been quite bad. I wish to no end that we could afford something better for her.
  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    I have hashimoto and have turned to paleo for the most part. Main difference was when I cut out legumes among many other things.
  • Canordlund
    Canordlund Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, thank you for your sharing your stories! It's definitely not a one-size-fits-all food solution for immune system conditions. I always feel better when I don't take in excess sugar. Stress was the initial trigger for me 13 years ago when I went from being 'healthy' to having colitis and arthritis.
    My symptoms are mainly treated with Humira right now. I was on Remicade, but had issues with that drug. I have a few extra pounds that I would like to shed off in kindness to my body. Thinking about how to lose a few pounds while reducing triggers of inflammation, and in a way that is sustainable!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    @Canordlund I'm on Remicade but I am starting to react/fail so probably will move to humira soon.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited July 2016
    Canordlund wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Wondering if anyone out there with autoimmune disease(s) has tried an anti-inflammatory diet such as one where you cut out dairy, gluten grains, added sugar, etc? Has following this eating plan helped your symptoms? How long have you been on this diet? Thanks!

    @Canordlund as of Oct 2014 I cut out all added sugar and all forms of all grains because my arthritis/general health was in a tail spin. The doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections the first of Nov 2014. My wife as a pharmacist was against it in my weakened state as was I so acted on my hunch and left both sugar and grains cold turkey.

    30 days after this my joint and muscle pain had dropped from a 7-8 level to 2-3 level. I went on to reduce all crabs to just <50 grams daily with good pain management through May 2016 when I started to eat some D-Ribose (a 5 carbon sugar) as well as whole carbs as in vegetables and fruit. I was still low carb but was not longer living in a state of nutritional ketosis.

    By the third week the pain was ticking up, had some bleeding of the gums and some tooth/gum pain, ear wax starting to reappear and lost range of motion. I have been back to eating like I had since Oct 2014 for about one week and started to recover the ground I had lost when I was flirting with sugar and >50 grams of carbs daily. I did start taking Ashwagandha Friday evening so that make it hard to tell what is cutting my pain and giving me more energy.

    For sure there is not one size fits all solution for autoimmune health issues. Dr. Susan Blum MD states it seems most all autoimmune diseases are proceeded by developing a Leaking Gut Syndrome. I have read else where LGS proceeds most cases of Obesity. I recommend her book to anyone with any health issues. Her's is hypothyroidism and the research in the book stems from working to resolve her own autoimmune health issues. You can read more on her website. Amazon is loaded with reviews of her book. The book walks one through a series of questions and how to start your own recovery. It is not a diet book but a how to heal one's self with food choices.

  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    I've done a whole 30, and didn't notice a difference in thyroid symptoms at all. I feel healthier when I avoid added sugars and don't eat a ton of wheat (of course I feel better when I don't binge on kids' cereals and cake), but most grains and dairy make no difference to me. I do think trying a whole 30 or AIP can help a lot of people figure out the kinds of foods they don't tolerate well.

    The biggest trigger for me is stress. Regular, vigorous exercise and as needed meditation have been hugely beneficial to me.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Canordlund wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Wondering if anyone out there with autoimmune disease(s) has tried an anti-inflammatory diet such as one where you cut out dairy, gluten grains, added sugar, etc? Has following this eating plan helped your symptoms? How long have you been on this diet? Thanks!

    @Canordlund as of Oct 2014 I cut out all added sugar and all forms of all grains because my arthritis/general health was in a tail spin. The doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections the first of Nov 2014. My wife as a pharmacist was against it in my weakened state as was I so acted on my hunch and left both sugar and grains cold turkey.

    30 days after this my joint and muscle pain had dropped from a 7-8 level to 2-3 level. I went on to reduce all crabs to just <50 grams daily with good pain management through May 2016 when I started to eat some D-Ribose (a 5 carbon sugar) as well as whole carbs as in vegetables and fruit. I was still low carb but was not longer living in a state of nutritional ketosis.

    By the third week the pain was ticking up, had some bleeding of the gums and some tooth/gum pain, ear wax starting to reappear and lost range of motion. I have been back to eating like I had since Oct 2014 for about one week and started to recover the ground I had lost when I was flirting with sugar and >50 grams of carbs daily. I did start taking Ashwagandha Friday evening so that make it hard to tell what is cutting my pain and giving me more energy.

    For sure there is not one size fits all solution for autoimmune health issues. Dr. Susan Blum MD states it seems most all autoimmune diseases are proceeded by developing a Leaking Gut Syndrome. I have read else where LGS proceeds most cases of Obesity. I recommend her book to anyone with any health issues. Her's is hypothyroidism and the research in the book stems from working to resolve her own autoimmune health issues. You can read more on her website. Amazon is loaded with reviews of her book. The book walks one through a series of questions and how to start your own recovery. It is not a diet book but a how to heal one's self with food choices.

    Real doctors disagree
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Canordlund wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Wondering if anyone out there with autoimmune disease(s) has tried an anti-inflammatory diet such as one where you cut out dairy, gluten grains, added sugar, etc? Has following this eating plan helped your symptoms? How long have you been on this diet? Thanks!

    @Canordlund as of Oct 2014 I cut out all added sugar and all forms of all grains because my arthritis/general health was in a tail spin. The doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections the first of Nov 2014. My wife as a pharmacist was against it in my weakened state as was I so acted on my hunch and left both sugar and grains cold turkey.

    30 days after this my joint and muscle pain had dropped from a 7-8 level to 2-3 level. I went on to reduce all crabs to just <50 grams daily with good pain management through May 2016 when I started to eat some D-Ribose (a 5 carbon sugar) as well as whole carbs as in vegetables and fruit. I was still low carb but was not longer living in a state of nutritional ketosis.

    By the third week the pain was ticking up, had some bleeding of the gums and some tooth/gum pain, ear wax starting to reappear and lost range of motion. I have been back to eating like I had since Oct 2014 for about one week and started to recover the ground I had lost when I was flirting with sugar and >50 grams of carbs daily. I did start taking Ashwagandha Friday evening so that make it hard to tell what is cutting my pain and giving me more energy.

    For sure there is not one size fits all solution for autoimmune health issues. Dr. Susan Blum MD states it seems most all autoimmune diseases are proceeded by developing a Leaking Gut Syndrome. I have read else where LGS proceeds most cases of Obesity. I recommend her book to anyone with any health issues. Her's is hypothyroidism and the research in the book stems from working to resolve her own autoimmune health issues. You can read more on her website. Amazon is loaded with reviews of her book. The book walks one through a series of questions and how to start your own recovery. It is not a diet book but a how to heal one's self with food choices.

    Wait, carbs cause bleeding gums ear wax?
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Real doctors disagreeing indicates unsettled scientific evidence.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Real doctors disagreeing indicates unsettled scientific evidence.

    No. It indicates that your source is a quack.

    Dr. Blum is a member of the Medical Advisory Board for The Dr. Oz Show.

    Need I say more?
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    My autoimmune disease is Scleroderma and my biggest struggle is fatigue. I drive myself crazy on days when i'm too exhausted to move
  • Jump_Rope_Lady
    Jump_Rope_Lady Posts: 2 Member
    My husband went on AIP for a skin condition he has. We were able to pin point which foods triggered his flares that way in the reintegration phase. Was hard to cut everything for a month but it was worth it for him. He now just stays away from nightshades and he's good aside from one or two flares a year compared to every week.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited July 2016
    auddii wrote: »
    Canordlund wrote: »
    Hi there,
    Wondering if anyone out there with autoimmune disease(s) has tried an anti-inflammatory diet such as one where you cut out dairy, gluten grains, added sugar, etc? Has following this eating plan helped your symptoms? How long have you been on this diet? Thanks!

    @Canordlund as of Oct 2014 I cut out all added sugar and all forms of all grains because my arthritis/general health was in a tail spin. The doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections the first of Nov 2014. My wife as a pharmacist was against it in my weakened state as was I so acted on my hunch and left both sugar and grains cold turkey.

    30 days after this my joint and muscle pain had dropped from a 7-8 level to 2-3 level. I went on to reduce all crabs to just <50 grams daily with good pain management through May 2016 when I started to eat some D-Ribose (a 5 carbon sugar) as well as whole carbs as in vegetables and fruit. I was still low carb but was not longer living in a state of nutritional ketosis.

    By the third week the pain was ticking up, had some bleeding of the gums and some tooth/gum pain, ear wax starting to reappear and lost range of motion. I have been back to eating like I had since Oct 2014 for about one week and started to recover the ground I had lost when I was flirting with sugar and >50 grams of carbs daily. I did start taking Ashwagandha Friday evening so that make it hard to tell what is cutting my pain and giving me more energy.

    For sure there is not one size fits all solution for autoimmune health issues. Dr. Susan Blum MD states it seems most all autoimmune diseases are proceeded by developing a Leaking Gut Syndrome. I have read else where LGS proceeds most cases of Obesity. I recommend her book to anyone with any health issues. Her's is hypothyroidism and the research in the book stems from working to resolve her own autoimmune health issues. You can read more on her website. Amazon is loaded with reviews of her book. The book walks one through a series of questions and how to start your own recovery. It is not a diet book but a how to heal one's self with food choices.

    Wait, carbs cause bleeding gums ear wax?

    There is no proof of carbs as the cause..All that is known in my case is the ear wax and bleeding gums returned in 30 days after I started eating more 50 grams of carbs daily after eating less than 50 grams of carbs for nearly two years and stopped again by going back to eating less than 50 grams of carbs daily.