Looking for other females wanting to lose weight who are around 5'7 and 175 lbs!!

sophiema425 Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2016 in Motivation and Support
I need some support for when I'm going through plateaus or moments of weakness! Would be most helpful to see woman who are trying to lose a similar amount of weight - around 20-30 pounds. I've already lost 8 and I want to lose at least 20 more!


  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'7" and currently 162, my highest weight was 231. Goal is 145 for me, and i'm looking more to building strength and losing fat rather than just watching the scale. Add me if you like
  • ajshepherd3
    ajshepherd3 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'7" and am currently 85 kilos (187 pounds). I have managed to lose 22 pounds since this time last year but I am really struggling to keep motivated at the moment. I'm also aiming for the 145 pound mark.
  • katetots
    katetots Posts: 35 Member
    Hi I'm Kate. I'm 5'7 and 170lb. Been off the diet for a few months now due to personal stresses but need to focus on my diet and fitness and not let negative things affect my health. Feel free to add x
  • sophiema425
    sophiema425 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • Fammy04
    Fammy04 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I'm Eden. I'm 5'5'' and 162lbs. My weight has been like a yo you and I'm ready to finally get healthy and stay on track. My goal is 130lbs. Friends and motivational support are loved. Add me if you like.
  • ajshepherd3
    ajshepherd3 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you sophiema425. Hopefully having friends on mfp will give me a bit more motivation and keep me going.
  • cornedhash
    cornedhash Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I'm 5'-6" and started at 170 and want to get back down to 140lbs. I had lost about 10lbs but regained about 5 of them when I returned home for 6 weeks. Back on the grind. I'd love to participate in this with y'all. Add me if you'd like as well.
  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    I'm 5'7" and weighed exactly 175 this morning. Started at 214. Goal (for now) is 150. Add me if you like.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    5'6 down to 140 from 248 then back up to 170. This will be the 3rd time back for me. Started logging again a few days ago. Aiming for 125 though I'm using the mirror more than the scale these days so when I'm happy with the mirror I will stop ;)
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    I sent you a request!
  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    I'm 5'7". My current weight is 188 lbs. Goal weight is 140 lbs. Started this journey weighing 270 lbs.
  • aspriggs265
    aspriggs265 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm fluctuating between 175 and 179 right now. Goal is 140. Have gained 35 pounds in last few years from stress eating :( Have been working out four-five days a week doing Orange Theory for the last month, but eating habits still not great and I haven't lost any weight yet. Ugh!
  • CarolSikes
    CarolSikes Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'7" (well, I used to be when I was young - haven't been measured yet as a senior adult!). I'm heavier than you specified - still over 200 (started at 262) and have been on this journey for a year. I've lost motivation recently, however, and was hoping to get some encouragement even tho I don't fit the specifications. My goal is 150. I've lost half of what I want in a year, so if I can stay the course, I'm hoping to lose the rest by this time next year. But given how I've been eating and not exercising lately - that seems doubtful!
  • VictoriaK1993
    VictoriaK1993 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 5'2, started at 178, down around 165 right now, and heading for about 135 to start with. My midway goal is 150! I've gotten really into logging my food and am on a 31 day streak (small but big for me). I love going for hikes as my main form of exercise! Feel free to add me!
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm 5'7", started at 188. UGW is 140, so another 15 lbs to go!
  • kacobens
    kacobens Posts: 8 Member
    5'7" here! I'm at 164lbs right now and wanting to get down to around 120 by the end of the year! I'm pretty new to the MyFitnessPal, so I'd love chatting with like-minded people! Anyone trying Kayla Itsines' BBG Guide??
  • arielangel1991
    arielangel1991 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'6 and 171 lbs. I'm trying to get down to the 150s. I have hit several plateaus and have had my fair share of "moments of weakness", so I feel your pain! Feel free to add me!
  • sophiema425
    sophiema425 Posts: 4 Member
    You guys are awesome! I've been stuck at 171 for a few days now and I'm trying to not give up! I have a habit of giving up on weight loss too quickly unfortunately. I like instant gratification.
  • teacher4dakids
    teacher4dakids Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'9" and 170 lbs. I want to loose 20 pounds.
  • sbaten
    sbaten Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5'6" and 185 lbs. I have been logging for almost a month now. Eating habits have been pretty good, but scale has not budged.