Full day off or easy day?

amsparky Posts: 825 Member
Hey all!

I have been feeling off lately and am wondering if I need to take more days off. I only took three last month, but I do one easy cardio day a week.

I'm just wondering what others do - do you take a full day off with no activity or do you just have a light day?


  • brookeaarnold
    brookeaarnold Posts: 14 Member
    just listen to your body. I was feeling the same way, really run down and getting kinda burnt out on working out and I decided to take a full day off the other day and it helped.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I have been sucessful with a yo yo method. I may do a 1200 calorie day with no exercise once a week and then a 1500 or 1800 calorie day with lots of exercise. I find that you need to eat your exercise calories burned. Switch up your exercise too. Don't do the same thing everyday. You do not want you body to anticipate what you are going to do, then your metabolism may slow down if you eat too low of calories.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    if i run 10km 2 days a week and smaller 5km run once so thats 3 days of running i can take off 3 FULL days of no exerise and still loose 2lbs a week!.
    depends. i actually foudn the days i have full days off with no exercise i actually weighed less the fololowing day. as long as i keep to my 1200-1300 cals ofor the day and ate clean foods.
    i think you'll find f you take more rest days you will see an improvement in your weight loss. your body needs time to rest and so does your mind. take 2 days off next week and watch wat you eat of those days and see how youy go i think you'll be suprised! :)
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Thanks guys! It always helps to hear from those who have actually had it work! :)