Where are my stationary bikers?!



  • paigelewis86
    paigelewis86 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to the stationary bike scene I bought one, 3 weeks ago. I'm doing 60 to 90 mins per day is there anything else I should throw in the mix of things? it's only a very basic one, pro fitness from argos.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    I've got a LeMond RevMaster Pro that I've had for years but only started riding recently. Find riding kinda boring but you have to do what you have to do. Just got a Concept2 Rower, as well, which gives me a much better workout overall. Bought the rower for more variety, so I plan to switch between riding and rowing from day to day or may do both at different times during the day.

    That's a club quality bike you've got there (we use them at my tri club for spinning classes) you could check out the Spinerval videos if you're looking for workouts. If you're new to the C2 focus on your form, I love mine for x-training, best piece of indoor equipment I've ever bought.
    If the LeMond RevMaster Pro is ANT+ check out Zwift. It's a Cycling Video Game for trainers. I use it frequently in the later fall months and winter times.

    The LeMond is an excellent spin bike; none better IMO. I changed the racing seat to a full sized gel and changed the pedals to a set of cheap Shimano clipless pedals/shoes to make riding more efficient.

    The LeMond came w/the Pilot II monitor which is supposed to be ANT+ compliant but I tried 2 difference ANT+ transmitters w/it and they couldn't synch w/the Pilot II. However, it does work w/an old analog transmitter that I had lying around, so that's what I use with it.

    Also bought a Garmin ANT+ transmitter that I use w/the PM5 monitor on the Concept 2 rower. The synch is sometimes problematic but I can usually get it to work. Its one of the transmitters that I tried w/the Pilot II on the LeMond.

    I won't win any races biking or rowing but I get a decent workout on both. Just go for my target heart rate and go steady from there with an occasional high intensity push. Usually riding at 11 miles (22 mph) on the bike and 5000 meters on the rower in 30 mins. I've heard people say that those rates are really "slow" but they get my HR going and sweat dripping off of me.

    Spinerval and Zwift look interesting but I'm old school and prefer to just zone out and listen to my iPod while riding. The mins go by fast enough for me doing that.

  • JustLikeJordin
    JustLikeJordin Posts: 129 Member
    Back issues and pounds to lose and I've had nothing but success with my recumbent bike. I love this thing! I'm up to a min very vigorous ride for at least an hour and what a seat. Moved it into my home office and never looked back. ✔️
  • TonightOnTotallyTootie
    Just found a bike in my basement that i totally forgot about lol shows you what i haven't been up too :s but tomorrow:smile: is a new day!
  • cronus70
    cronus70 Posts: 189 Member
    I have a DKN AM-5i and it's a great bike. When I first got it I was doing 60 minutes on it, eventually reduced it to 30 when I upped my strength training routine and now I only do 17 minutes, but it's a HIIT session so pretty intense. 3/4 times a week but definitely NOT on a leg day