So good to be here & meet you all!

Hi All,
I couldn't use any of my usual user names so I resorted real name! Yikes! So I'm Joanne and it's nice to meet you all.
I read a great article on nutrition and they recommended 5 free programs to track calories, etc., and I chose MFP.
I'm looking forward to putting some structure in my life with my eating and exercise.
I had a 3rd major spine surgery in January, my 4th major surgery since 6/2010. I've not been very active since 2/2010 when I did my left knee in. Knee replacement was my 1st surgery over the past 6 years. I am very weak.
However, I want to get stronger! At 61 I know I won't bounce back as quickly as I did when I was younger, but as Aesop said in the story of The Tortoise and the Hare, "Slow and steady wins the race." That's fine with me.
I'd love to connect with others here to encourage & be encouraged!
One thing I have accomplished is that I reversed Type II Diabetes more than a year ago! No meds, either! I did a boatload of research.Hooray!


  • ArtthurCarlson
    ArtthurCarlson Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome, and nice to meet you!
  • Djdj031369
    Djdj031369 Posts: 32 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi Joanne!!! I joined MFP a while back but never really used it. Last week I decided it was time to take charge of my health and give this another go! I'm 38, mother if 4 ( 26,18,14 and 12) and grandma to 2 ( 8 and 4 months) I'm looking to lose about 30 lbs. I'd love to be friends with you or anyone looking to support and encourage without judgement!!! Here's to the new us!!!!
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    Hi Joanne, best of luck on your journey to a healthier you. Add me if you would like my support. I am 62.
  • andersonlindag
    andersonlindag Posts: 12 Member
    Best of luck to you!
  • beskytter
    beskytter Posts: 87 Member