


    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Over here they drink The cheap stuff OR EXPENSIVE Microberews(which I like too). tHere is no middle
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    what the hell is a hipster? sounds very 80s

    Basically a subculture of men and women with the intent of being “different”, “non-conformists”, and “independent thinkers” but in doing so, they all became the same. Which is hilarious in its irony.

    Hahaha cheers!!!
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    oops, can't get the picture to copy. nevermind.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member

    no, but my husband is. Isn't he hot?

    Dear God. :noway:

    I just wanna drag that guy (?) into the gym and.....deadlift him. :devil:

    For cripes sake, eat a sammich, dude!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    This again?
    My thoughts exactly.
  • aliruberto
    aliruberto Posts: 16 Member
    Ha, real hipsters don't admit to being hipsters :)

    I second that, but I tend to get called a hipster quite often. I personally don't care for labels, though.
  • aliruberto
    aliruberto Posts: 16 Member
    Would I be considered a hipster???? am I too awesomely tanned?

    Not like it's a bad thing, but your biceps and all over stocky physique along with the cargo shorts you display in your profile picture suggest that you are definitely not a hipster. What music do you listen to?
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    what the hell is a hipster? sounds very 80s

    Basically a subculture of men and women with the intent of being “different”, “non-conformists”, and “independent thinkers” but in doing so, they all became the same. Which is hilarious in its irony.

    This guy nailed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Guess I'm just way to Southern lmao
  • JamiroJunior
    JamiroJunior Posts: 139
    I'm not into their music, indie just isn't my cup of tea, I like music that packs a punch! Like jazz or something...
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Would I be considered a hipster???? am I too awesomely tanned?

    Not like it's a bad thing, but your biceps and all over stocky physique along with the cargo shorts you display in your profile picture suggest that you are definitely not a hipster. What music do you listen to?

    I have a broad taste.....even broader than most hipsters I know................. BUT you my dear are a good looking hipster chick! :bigsmile:
  • aliruberto
    aliruberto Posts: 16 Member
    Would I be considered a hipster???? am I too awesomely tanned?

    Not like it's a bad thing, but your biceps and all over stocky physique along with the cargo shorts you display in your profile picture suggest that you are definitely not a hipster. What music do you listen to?

    I have a broad taste.....even broader than most hipsters I know................. BUT you my dear are a good looking hipster chick! :bigsmile:

    Haha shucks!
    Well I was just asking because it's not just the appearance that defines a hipster but their taste in music (as well as many other things)
    BUT, ironically (oh yeah hipsters love irony), hipsters do NOT like labels or being labeled. So, by calling yourself a hipster or striving to be labeled as one, you are not one.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i would say no, but figuring that my city is basically made up of hipsters, i'll keep my answer to myself xD
  • skinnyminimoni
    Hipsters are too mainstream.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I love this thread, best laugh to start my day :)