I need motivational friends!!

tze652 Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2016 in Chit-Chat
I need friends who are going to push me to work out and lose the weight not force feed me cupcakes and cookies!! I been trying to lose some pounds for a year now and it never works because my friends are really bad influences!! Also will be open to talking about video games and stuff!! Add me if you can be a good friend!!


  • Kiba08
    Kiba08 Posts: 2 Member
    Friend me i will gladly help you i need a friens to push me as well my man dose nothing but send me on donut runs and ask me if i want to order pizza
  • tmi_gang
    tmi_gang Posts: 781 Member
    I'm a very emotional.. I mean motivational person.

    I honestly didn't mean to type emotional, but it gave me a decent laugh so I kept it.
  • beskytter
    beskytter Posts: 87 Member
    Stay strict and reward yourself with a cheat meal once per week.