Don't feel hungry, but worried about calorie intake

I workout 3-5 times a week mostly lifting weights and occasionally doing cardio as well. My fit bit says I burn 2000-2500 those days, but whenever I log my calories on MFP I realize I'll log about 900-1000 calories for the day and be full. I'm always worried about being TOO low for calorie intake and eat until I'm at least 1300-1500, but it still concerns me. Does anyone else ever experience this not hungry despite eating hardly anything feeling? Does it eventually go away and correct itself?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    It doesn't look like you actually have anything logged in your diary except for today. It doesn't look like you use a food scale - I'm going to guess if you are that full you're actually eating a lot more than you think.
  • andreafagerman
    andreafagerman Posts: 4 Member
    I used to be on lose it! But switched to MFP so the data doesn't roll over.
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    Fitbit, and other wearables don't always give accurate calorie counts. I know that my Polar is awfully damn close, but I know this because I started out MFP without it and can now compare it to MFP's counts. If you aren't hungry, then you may just not need to eat as much. I suspect that you are eating more than you realize. MFP will help you figure this out. If you really are eating only 900 calories a day, then for your health, you need to eat more calorie-dense foods.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Your hunger levels sometimes will adjust to what you are eating. Similar to the way that, when you're overeating, you keep feeling hungry even when you've eaten twice or three times what you need. When that's happening, you need to take a head decision about how much is right to eat, and ignore the hunger, right? And then after you've done that for a while, the hunger adapts.

    This is the same effect in reverse. You have been eating too little and so your body expects to eat too little and so your hunger signals have adapted. You know that you are not eating enough, so you need to take a head decision to eat more. The hunger will catch up.

    I agree with @godlikepoetyes that you probably should tweak what you are eating and include more calorie dense options which will not fill you up as much.

    Intuitive eating is all very well, but it doesn't work for all of us (sadly).
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Hunger is a very complicated thing and is influence by a lot of factors (biology is complicated). For sure, you want to eat at least 1200-1300 cal/day. Going less than that over the long run makes it more difficult to maintain progress long term. Don't feel guilty about eating though. It's fueling your body as it needs.

    If you're just getting overly full, work in more calorie-dense options to get your calories up and keep the volume down.