Are 1600 calories a lot?



  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    If you click on the APS link in the menu bar of MFP you will be able to select the BMR calculcator where it will tell you how many calories you need to consume is you did nothing but rested for 24 hours. That might be a good indicator for yourself as to where the 1600 calories fit in for you. ...

    I have 1600 calories set as my deficit calorie goal to but the weight loss is slow at that point for me ... MFP recommended I cut an additional 60-some calories a day to lose a pound a week. And of course, it is not ever a steady loss each week.

    Hope this helped.

    MFP gave me 1640 :( not that big difference :(

    What about the extra calories for exercise that you should be entering?

    I'll probably add them once I start exercising again, when I finally start classes I'll move a lot, I hate sitting all the time.
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    If you click on the APS link in the menu bar of MFP you will be able to select the BMR calculcator where it will tell you how many calories you need to consume is you did nothing but rested for 24 hours. That might be a good indicator for yourself as to where the 1600 calories fit in for you. ...

    I have 1600 calories set as my deficit calorie goal to but the weight loss is slow at that point for me ... MFP recommended I cut an additional 60-some calories a day to lose a pound a week. And of course, it is not ever a steady loss each week.

    Hope this helped.

    MFP gave me 1640 :( not that big difference :(

    Ya - but that's if you slept all day long - basic metabolic functions of life.

    You wake up and sit around all day you'd burn more. RMR.

    Actually get up and move around - more yet.

    About 10% of what you eat is burned by body to process the food.

    That recommendation was to see where 1600 is in the scheme of things - and it should inform you that you can eat much much more.
    Shoot - 2000 is likely sedentary for you - and you aren't even sedentary actually.

    You've probably got lost glucose stores in muscles that will top off - you will gain needed water weight when you eat more - and that will actually increase your metabolism to expected levels.
    It's probably not right now.

    I'll bet energy level will pick up too - making you yet even more active, and workouts even better.

    Don't start out your adult life tied to the scale and a bad association with food and your body.
    You'll regret 30-40 years of yo-yo dieting that could easily become the result of an unhealthy fixation on the scale.
    I'll bet the initial water weight gain won't even make inches on your body change.
    And guess which one people will see - scale or you?

    Since I started maintenance, I'll try eating a little more calories and exercise, and watch my weight and measurements.

    And thanks, this made me feel better.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm eating NET 1650 to lose 1/2lb per week and i'm 5ft5 and 138lbs

    try 1800 which might stop you bingeing and then you can work out if that's maintenance and tweak up or down from there based on what the scales say.
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    I'm eating NET 1650 to lose 1/2lb per week and i'm 5ft5 and 138lbs

    try 1800 which might stop you bingeing and then you can work out if that's maintenance and tweak up or down from there based on what the scales say.

    That's what I'm planning to do, maintaining is a challenge :/
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    The more you move, the more energy (calories) you require. Think of it like a car...if it just sits there, it doesn't really need gas...if you drive it, it will need gas...the more you drive, the more gas it needs.

    I know, but I can't eat easily when I don't know what are my maintenance calories, I fear gaining weight, and I don't wanna lose either.
    Even when I'm not moving alot, I still feel like eating more than 1600 :(

    You won't gain over night. And even if you go 6 weeks and see a small gain you know exactly what to do to reverse it. Just keep on trucking and don't let the panic get you :)
  • heleftthe99
    heleftthe99 Posts: 3 Member
    I just wanted to mention that how and when you eat sugar could be affecting how hungry you feel. I know for myself, if I eat a bowl of ice cream in the evening, I will not feel that well the next day and will be walking around the house looking for snacks and feeling constantly "hungry". I usually do not feel that way with the regular calorie intake I have to lose ~1 lb/week, so I know it is the sugar (usually on an empty stomach or later in the evening). It takes 1-2 days of getting rid of the high sugar stuff to feel normal and not craving all day. Hope that can help.
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    I just wanted to mention that how and when you eat sugar could be affecting how hungry you feel. I know for myself, if I eat a bowl of ice cream in the evening, I will not feel that well the next day and will be walking around the house looking for snacks and feeling constantly "hungry". I usually do not feel that way with the regular calorie intake I have to lose ~1 lb/week, so I know it is the sugar (usually on an empty stomach or later in the evening). It takes 1-2 days of getting rid of the high sugar stuff to feel normal and not craving all day. Hope that can help.

    I eat less sugar although I LOVE IT!
    I got used to not eating it a lot, but I still wanna eat more other types of food :/
  • MsSGriff
    MsSGriff Posts: 6 Member
    Honestly, I wouldn't stress too much. I'm your height and was probably very close to your weight when I was 19. At 19, I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and I didn't gain weight. I also had a physically demanding job...on my feet 10 hours a day with maybe a 30 min break if I was lucky. Listen to your body and don't stress about it. Eat a treat hear and there if you want. You can also eat high fiber foods like green beans, squash, raspberries, blackberries, mushrooms, etc if you are still hungry, but want to avoid more calories. Also make sure you drink enough water. There are a lot of opinions on how much is enough, but I've been told half your body weight in ounces of water a day. I drink around 80 ounces to a gallon of water a day. As you grow older, you will have to listen to your body and reassess. It may be that as you age your body will want to store more weight, and you'll have to cut out some treats to stay as fit as you want. Enjoy now while you can is my advice. I want to lose weight, so I am at 1300 calories without exercising and 1824 with exercise. I'm also trying to lose it slowly, so it'll be easier to keep it off. If you are feeling hungry and you are drinking enough water, you may want to try increasing your protein intake. Women should have 4 to 6 ounces of protein at every meal...If it is prepackaged meal, shoot for about 15g of protein. High protein snacks will help too.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Be aware too as a woman - your water weight will change - you can't really have a weight goal - will never work - except stressing you out when not at it.

    Need a weight range goal.

    Weight with abdomen measurement at belly button will tell if eating more is causing water weight gain, or actual fat gain, since belly is usually first place it goes on. Don't count the bloating effect of eating though.

    And since your BMR literally changes through the month - you need at least a month to see what is or is not working.

    The suggestion to listen to your body is fine if you have knowledge of all the ways it can fool you.

    Eat a high carb snack/meal - you'll likely feel hungry very soon afterwards.
    Does that mean you need to eat more?
    Of course not, nothing can be based purely on that effect.
    Same with finishing a certain level of exercise may leave you not hungry - but guess what your body actually needs.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

    Unfortunately if you're female then that's not the only reason for water weight!
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    I finally decided to maintain my weight at 121 lbs, height 5'3 ft, 19 years old, sometimes I feel like 1600 calories are not enough, many TDEE calculators gave me 1500-1600ish,but it's not enough:// like there's not enough space for food and it sucks, I don't eat junk food and I try to get my nutrition , still not satisfied. I've gone through 3 days binging this week and the week before, although I was in a deficit before the binging but I'm sure I ate all of those calories back and more, but didn't notice a difference in my weight, I don't judge from the scale because I know I'll have extra pounds from water, sodium.. Etc
    I judge from my clothes and the mirror, still the same, recently I'm not active, but after a week I'll start working out again 2-3 days a week besides I'll have classes 4 days a week.

    So what do you think, I need some guiding.

    I use a very simple approach, some might say simplistic approach :)

    If at 1800 calories I am losing still losing weight then I need to increase the caloric intake.
    If at 1800 calories I am Gaining weight I am eating too much.
    Using that approach I came to the point where 2000 calories +/- a few calories holds my weight.

    FWIW I believe that Water weight changes will only occur if You have a large swing in Sodium intake for example. I also Notice that I hold water if I eat a lot of sweet calories.

    Good Luck

    Unfortunately if you're female then that's not the only reason for water weight!

    Ugh I gain 4 pounds during period because of water retention lol
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I would say 1600 is too low for a young, active person. I'm the same height and weight, but 57 years old, and use a Fitbit to monitor my activity calories. 1600 is what a person my age needs on a moderately active day; I would assume the needs for someone half my age would be considerably higher.
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    rosebette wrote: »
    I would say 1600 is too low for a young, active person. I'm the same height and weight, but 57 years old, and use a Fitbit to monitor my activity calories. 1600 is what a person my age needs on a moderately active day; I would assume the needs for someone half my age would be considerably higher.

    I thought of something like this, many MFP users who are older and the same weight eat this much or more.
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    If you're really hungry then maybe it isn't enough, play around and see what works for you.
    I personally have been maintaining for over a year now on 1,600 calories a day, though I live a very sedentary lifestyle! It really all depends on what you eat. If you continue eating delicious pastries and fast food burgers/fries/milkshakes yes, you will starve on 1,600 calories because they have so many calories you'll probably have next to nothing in your stomach and no real nutrients! With 1,600 calories your best friends will become veggies, leaner meats, and other low calorie substitutes! When I'm hungry and craving a milkshake, for example, the ultimate lifesaver is a protein shake blended with ice and unsweetened almond milk, maybe even a frozen banana if I have one on hand! Little changes like that will add up and help you feel full on less... Fiber and protein are my best friends when it comes to weight maintenance xD
    This all being said and done, nothing is wrong with an occasional treat in moderation of course ;) and yes, we live in a time and age where we've been blessed with delicious low calorie alternatives to these things as well (love Halo Top ice cream and as a special treat)!
  • batoolnabulsi
    batoolnabulsi Posts: 35 Member
    hgycta wrote: »
    If you're really hungry then maybe it isn't enough, play around and see what works for you.
    I personally have been maintaining for over a year now on 1,600 calories a day, though I live a very sedentary lifestyle! It really all depends on what you eat. If you continue eating delicious pastries and fast food burgers/fries/milkshakes yes, you will starve on 1,600 calories because they have so many calories you'll probably have next to nothing in your stomach and no real nutrients! With 1,600 calories your best friends will become veggies, leaner meats, and other low calorie substitutes! When I'm hungry and craving a milkshake, for example, the ultimate lifesaver is a protein shake blended with ice and unsweetened almond milk, maybe even a frozen banana if I have one on hand! Little changes like that will add up and help you feel full on less... Fiber and protein are my best friends when it comes to weight maintenance xD
    This all being said and done, nothing is wrong with an occasional treat in moderation of course ;) and yes, we live in a time and age where we've been blessed with delicious low calorie alternatives to these things as well (love Halo Top ice cream and as a special treat)!

    Thanks for the answer =)
    And today I weighed myself.. I lost 4 pounds lol
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm 57, 5'10" and well within my healthy BMI and maintain at that. So you should be eating more. AND EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES. I actually eat 500 calories or so over my alotment because I measure my steps and exercise and that gets added on.

    Good luck!
  • erianswilliams
    erianswilliams Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5'3 & I'm maintaining at 130-135 pound weight on a little over 2,000 calories. I still combine with exercise though. When I was losing weight I ate 1440-1500 a day. May need to take it up a little bit & eat more filling foods within your calorie allotment.

    Hope this works for you!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Where did you get that TDEE estimate from at 1600, if MFP estimated your maintenance calories at 1640? The MFP estimate would have been NEAT, which would exclude any exercise. When you did your TDEE, did you put in any planned exercise?

    You said you decided to maintain this weight, does that mean you were actively losing before? What was your calorie goal set at to lose? Were you losing? At what rate?

    Are you saying you do no exercise at all? You said you'd be starting again soon, what is preventing you from starting now?

    For what it's worth I'm over 20 years older than you, 5'2 and maintain around 120 and my TDEE is 2200. I average 15K steps a day and do light weights, but even if I was less active, I would lose at 1600 calories, not maintain.

    I think you need to recalculate better numbers for yourself, focus on getting in some exercise, even if it is walking, and don't be afraid to eat more. Maintenance is a range, and it takes time, trial and error to find the sweet spot. You could up your calories 100/week until you stop losing and then see if that level feels better for you.