Good Way to Create Fitness?


This is an image of my Charge HR heart rate during a 2 hour walk/jog interval. I did 2 hours of 4:45 walk, 1:45 jog thru the park, repeat. Sometimes my jogs were uphill, sometimes downhill. I relocated to Georgia from New York and am struggling with the higher temps and the fact I haven't run regularly in 9 months except the past two weeks.

Two questions:

1) At 30 years and 140 pounds, the calorie burn seems very inflated. I would give myself no more than 50 cals/mile walked and 75 calories/mile ran when I was 125 pounds and cruising thru 10Ks pacing 8:15/mile 2 years ago. Do you agree?

2) Is this a good way to gain fitness for running? I used to race and never really followed a plan, I just ran 2 shorts, 2 speeds (1 short, 1 medium), and 1 long run each week. I was thinking of taking away 5 seconds of walking and adding 5 seconds of running to each interval each week until I can comfortable finish 13.1 in 2 hours (personal best was 1:54:xx). On the treadmill now, I can do 5K in 30:00 but not in the 95 degree heat.

Where should I do from here? I am still 15-18 pounds above my goal weight. I dropped 2.2lbs my first week. My deficit has been about 750/day according to my Fitbit (which as questioned above, I'm not really trusting now).

Thank you,


  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited July 2016
    You haven't ran for 9 months and you're doing 2 hours after 2 weeks back? Sounds like an overuse injury waiting to happen, even if you are walking most of it. .

    You probably need to start back slower.
  • Charlene072385
    Charlene072385 Posts: 13 Member
    I have run anywhere between 1-3 miles and biked 5-10 miles 2-3 times per week over the past 9 months. I was putting in over 50 miles per week in running and over 100 on the bike but I had a new work assignment over the winter that made me scale way back. I was able to keep swimming regularly though.