What is Your Biggest Obstacle for Losing Weight? Here's Mine.

I have a difficult time "doing" everything that I have read about weight loss. A lot of what I researched makes sense and I "somewhat" believe in what popular fitness magazines and websites say, but I just can't get myself to do it. Do I really lack this much motivation?

What's your biggest weight loss obstacle, and how do you get motivated to do it? Need help with this.


  • candycvky
    candycvky Posts: 10 Member
    Time, depression, and energy. I've already started controlling portions, but finding time and energy to exercise is my biggest hurdle. I am moving to lowering my bad carbs to help
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I found the calorie deficit for weight loss easy.
    The exercise for health and fitness I will never grow to love.
    I do love what it will enable me to do as I age, so I do it.

    Cheers, h.
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    My biggest obstacle is myself. I let people get in the way of my exercise time and then get frustrated and don't do it. Like today. I know this is not a routine thing, but it does happen . I also get in my own way mentally. I over think things and then stress that I am not doing enough or doing to much and doubt sets in.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Currently, foot pain interfering with my walking.
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
  • Natalierae886
    Natalierae886 Posts: 286 Member
    Mines getting hungry while im out, I always reach for the unhealthy things that's why im starting to try and take things out with me
  • randhimay
    randhimay Posts: 2 Member
    My chronic nerve pain and fibromyaglia is my biggest obstacle.
  • lilligraz22
    lilligraz22 Posts: 183 Member
    My biggest obstacle is myself. I let people get in the way of my exercise time and then get frustrated and don't do it. Like today. I know this is not a routine thing, but it does happen . I also get in my own way mentally. I over think things and then stress that I am not doing enough or doing to much and doubt sets in.

    I think the only REAL obstacle I have now is myself!!!! If I don't do it, it's because I didn't let myself do it. Start by being honest with yourself and ask ARE YOU REALLY TRYING?
  • RosemaryBronte
    RosemaryBronte Posts: 103 Member
    My biggest obstacles are that I eat too fast and too much. What I eat is usually healthy but I cannot get the hang of mindful eating. I think if I could do this I'd eat more moderate amounts but when I think if doing this I feel sad and deprived and so I don't do it.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    My biggest issues are eating out of boredom, portion control, and dealing with days where my fibromyalgia flat out kicks my butt and it takes all my willpower to get dressed.
  • regina912016
    regina912016 Posts: 1 Member
    I I procrastinate. I tell myself, "Oh I'll start dieting/eating better tomorrow!", and as you can guess, I typically never do. The times that I have started a diet, well it didn't last long. I also just love junk food. If it's sugary, greasy, salty, fatty etc, I probably like it and would pick that over something better any day. It's like I have zero willpower to actually diet and change my lifestyle, even though it's something I really want and desire :/
  • TheRealJoshuaTowers
    TheRealJoshuaTowers Posts: 4 Member
    Wow! What am I complaining about? My struggle is just that I can't get myself to do it while the rest of you are truly in a difficult battle. I feel ashamed.

    How do you guys think we can help each other? What would you like from me as we take on a healthy lifestyle together?
  • Pterod
    Pterod Posts: 131 Member
    My biggest obstacle is depression, I'm fighting it though and starting to feel good.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    My biggest struggle is keeping myself from reverting back to unhealthy habits.. I have been in therapy for anorexia. Watching the scale drop day by day is addicting.. last week I lost 3lbs one day.. the next day I was down 2.. the next day down 1.5.. my work outs were suffering and I made myself stop counting for two days. I gained about 5lbs of water weight TH-SA and now I am back to the weight I started on Thursday... which is still a 6.5lb loss for that week. It is harder for me to lose weight in a sensible way and easier to just stop eating until I am happy with the scale. Easier isn't better in this case.

  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    It used to be exercise, now I've found exercise I love so that's cool... my current obstacle is nourishing my body enough since I've nailed maintenance cals without logging sometimes I let the nutritional content slide and just graze on junk (restaurant work) and that's ultimately down to laziness. I guess the exercise thing was laziness too... ok my obstacle is laziness in whatever manifestation! !
  • friendlygirl316
    friendlygirl316 Posts: 40 Member
    My biggest obstacle is food. I am always hungry and can't say no to junk food. Also not crazy about fruit and veggies and can't cook much. Another issue is that I hate measuring portions because they take too long in the morning.
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    I wrote down what stops me or what I find difficult. If it's time, portion size, habits, booze, cravings. Personally I love exercise so I made time for that. I changed ONE thing. See if it worked. When that was doable I did next thing. Booze. No more drinking during week. Cravings. Can't have crisps in house. So I don't. Replaced with make my own popcorn for that craving. Something.. N start changing things one step at a time till its manageable. What stops alot of people is that it's all 'too hard'. So break it down. Remember you're probably trying to break life time habits to make it sustainable so you aren't homicidal just eating lettuce leaves all day ;)
  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    Consistency. I know exactly what to do I just have trouble doing it every day.