Diet Plans

Hello everyone! Just curious as to what some if your diet plans look like. New to fitness pal and trying to get some what of an idea on healthy eating.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    My diary is open. I eat all food but less of it now.
  • lilia2011
    lilia2011 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you!! Will request you as a friend. :)
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Open diary here as well. Just FYI, if someone's diary is actually open, you can see their logs withoit friending them. :)
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    I follow the original diet plan. I eat and gain from .1 to 4 lbs, and then relatively fast and lose all. Repeat.

    The "trick" is to reserve the eating to important time which is with family, friends, something essential to my lifestyle; and fast in boring, uneventful time; eg. workday lunches by myself, Monday, Tuesday nights. I could live on a simple sandwich and use the time for other interesting things, resting.

    Simply put, I prioritize my meals. They cannot all be huge quantity and good quality.
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    Throughout my actual weight loss (123 lbs.), I grazed all day, rarely allowing myself to be hungry. After the loss, I went back to "normal" eating. However, since seeing my nutritionist today, I am going to work out another eating plan, because I have been hungry lately, and he went through a long explanation of how to handle that. As a result, starting today, for the first time, I've added exercising to my life-repertoire :smiley: . Now, I understand it better!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Would urge you to think ahead to maintenance at goal weight, how you will eat then will determine if you are successful long term. Do you really need a diet (verb) plan?

    Did you become overweight by eating the "wrong foods" or simply too much food is a question you should ask yourself.

    Personally my diet (noun) didn't need fixing - I just needed to eat in the right quantities.
    I have a wide and varied diet with the only things excluded are the things I actively dislike. I prioritise home cooked/prepared, high quality food but allow myself treats purely for enjoyment. There's very little I would regard as "unhealthy" in appropriate quantities and as part of my overall diet.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I've made my own meal plan, and it keeps evolving. I follow much of the same principles as endless fall: I prioritize. I choose mostly ordinary, cheap but nutritious foods for weekdays, and splurge on weekends/holidays/unusual days. I have also come to the same conclusion as sijomial; I eat the same things as before, but better - better quality ingredients, more appropriate portions. I cook more from scratch, and I only eat what I like. What I like, has changed quite a bit as my eating habits have changed - now I usually prefer the subtle but rich flavors of real food to the intense but dull flavors of readymade shelf-stable foods - but there are exceptions, and I decide for each occasion whether I'll make an exception. There are also no really sharp lines here - I don't separate foods into good/bad, processed/unprocessed, clean/unclean - food just IS and has taste and nutritional values, no moral values. I eat whatever I want, but not everything at once, and not all the time. I eat meals, and enjoy eating and feeling satisfied, not stuffed, and enjoy letting myself become hungry before meals. I enjoy planning, shopping, cooking and eating. Cravings are managable, because I get what I need and avoid temptations. Keeping a normal, stable weight is merely a bonus.
  • GirlonBliss
    GirlonBliss Posts: 38 Member
    I started taking hot baths, eating more variety of foods, and delved into macrobiotics-lost 40 pounds and haven't had weight issues ever since! Feel free to connect if you have questions :)
  • tigergraz
    tigergraz Posts: 2 Member
    Using Ideal Protein program. Lost 35lb and 32" in 5months. Great results.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    A library. Full of books on healthy eating, recipes, etc.
    I like to read every night to go to sleep. Detox from electronics.
    Just an idea.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    A library. Full of books on healthy eating, recipes, etc.
    I like to read every night to go to sleep. Detox from electronics.
    Just an idea.

    What on earth do electronics have to do with the thread? Random advice is very very random.
  • GirlonBliss
    GirlonBliss Posts: 38 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    A library. Full of books on healthy eating, recipes, etc.
    I like to read every night to go to sleep. Detox from electronics.
    Just an idea.

    What on earth do electronics have to do with the thread? Random advice is very very random.

    Reducing light from electronic screens helps you go to bed better - and having good circadian rhythms helps with weight regulation :)