Sugar help!

caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
A healthy diet consists of lots of fruits and veggies, but I'm constantly going over my sugar limit because I eat one or two pieces of fruit. I don't want to change the limits MyFitnessPal suggested because I assume they set sugar so low for a reason, I'm just confused.

I understand how more than 24 grams of sugar is a problem if it comes from soda or junk food, but what about fruits and veggies? Most of my sugar is naturally in the food I eat, because I don't eat many processed foods. Should I still be worried about eating too much sugar?

I feel like there should be a way to distinguish between added and natural sugar. It's frustrating to be told to eat lots of fruit for a healthy diet and then be told I'm eating too much sugar on a daily basis.

Feel free to look at my food diary to offer suggestions. (And if you look at this Saturday, keep in mind that I totally blew my diet and feel really bad about drinking a whole smoothie.)


  • I have the same issue with my sugars. I eat small portions of fruits, which end up taking up half of my sugars. I am struggling finding foods that keep me below my sugar allotment, especially when I have a lot of extra calories from working out.
  • from what i see everyone else is saying, dont worry about going negative if youre eating fruits and veggies...thats natural sugar its different from processed sugar thats in candy and soda :)
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Remember that suger isn't the WORST thing out there... if you go over your sugar a bit everyday it shouldn't affect you as much as your total calories, carbs, etc...

    I eat lots of fruits myself...
  • Gojira74
    Gojira74 Posts: 57 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it. Sugar, fat and protein is all used for what is needed and the rest stored (this is basically true and good enough for your question). Low calorie has been shown in study after study to benefit health and length of life. If your sugar comes from fruit and you are within your calorie limit, then you won't need to worry. You can always increase your sugar limit on the calculator as well.

    Hope that helps :)

    p.s. the real problems with refined sugar come from its propensity to perpetuate hungry feelings. Your body was built to starve and crave sugar for your brain which is an obligate glucose user. Since we aren't all starving, the mechanism misfires and makes you crave more food after a sugary meal. If fruit sugar isn't a problem for you, then you don't need to mess with it.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I went through this when I first got here as well. I monitor my sugar, because I have diabetes that runs in my family, so I work hard to keep it low. I eat only low glycemic index fruit, and have switched to mostly veggies.

    But some days....I go to town on melon, berries of all kinds and pineapple. Fresh, yummy watermelon too, and don't care what the limits are.

    I say go with what works for you. And don't worry about the limits. However...if you're sensitive, then monitor.

    How's that for a wishy washy answer?
  • I could never understand a diet plan that limits the amounts of fruit you can eat. fruit is filling and nutritious and natural. let them eat fruit!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I went through this when I first got here as well. I monitor my sugar, because I have diabetes that runs in my family, so I work hard to keep it low. I eat only low glycemic index fruit, and have switched to mostly veggies.

    But some days....I go to town on melon, berries of all kinds and pineapple. Fresh, yummy watermelon too, and don't care what the limits are.

    I say go with what works for you. And don't worry about the limits. However...if you're sensitive, then monitor.

    How's that for a wishy washy answer?

    This is how I feel about it also, but I'm not watching the glycemic index. I can't handle much sugar or salt. I feel awful, so if eating something makes me feel bad... I don't need to do that again.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Maybe I should worry more about my sugar intake, but at this point am just glad to have cut back a bit on my candy intake :blushing: I love sugar!
  • goldysgal
    goldysgal Posts: 23
    SUGAR is SUGAR - For most, sugar is not a problem, BUT if you are diabetic or have a family history of diabetes, you should be cautious of the amount of sugar (natural or otherwise) you take in... Also, if you eat whole fruit instead of drinking juice, you will get the fiber instead of just the sugar.... hope that helps. :-)
  • caeliumspecto
    caeliumspecto Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you all for your great answers. I feel a lot better.

    Diabetes does run in my family, but I have never worried much because I have consistently low blood sugar. (We tested my blood sugar frequently and found I couldn't get over 95, which is well within a healthy range, and I eat a lot less sugar now than I did then.)

    My main focus is overall health. I'm just glad to hear I'm not hurting my body.
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