seeing change on scale and clothes.....but not seeing it in the mirror :(

Does anybody else struggle with this? Clearly things are changing i see small changes on the scale, have had to add belt holes in my belts.....but when i look at the mirror or a picture i literally see no change! It sux!
It makesit hard to stay motivated for sure.
If you struggle with this, what do you do?


  • JamesBost2016
    JamesBost2016 Posts: 36 Member
    I have the same problem. I think we are just losing weight all over at the same time. Keep trusting the scale and how your own body feels.
  • danimoore08
    danimoore08 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks, thats what ive been trying to do....but somedays its harder than others. Helps to know im not the only one :)
  • teetertatertango
    teetertatertango Posts: 229 Member
    Some people lose weight very proportionally, and end up looking like a smaller version of themselves. If you lose weight like this, it really won't be very obvious if you weren't that heavy starting off.

    Are you already at a healthy weight? Weight training might help if you are looking to change your shape.
  • violet124
    violet124 Posts: 3 Member
    Just a tip: it will take weeks before you see anything, and months before anyone else sees it. Don't focus on doing things for looks. Focus on your health and how you feel on the inside :) you won't notice until it hits you, dang, you look great now! Take lots of pics :)
  • koslowkj
    koslowkj Posts: 188 Member
    Do you have before pictures? Sometimes changes can be hard to see until you do a side by side comparison.
  • danimoore08
    danimoore08 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you everyone for your responses:) in answer to your posts:
    Yes, i am nearing my goal weight, and i do think its time to amp up the strength training, but cardio is whats been helping me lose the weight.
    I do have before pictures and can see differences in some things, but not in the places i wish to see changes. I guess thats part of the frustration. I understand people lose weight in different ways, i seem to lose it everywhere but my mid section :(
    I am focusing on the long term, i was just frustrated today after seeing some helped to post here and get some compassionate, supportive responses :)
  • pefal1
    pefal1 Posts: 43 Member
    I have some days where I look in the mirror, smile and say, wow I really have lost weight. Then some days I look in the mirror and say- you look worse then when you started. Ugh the struggle :(
  • danimoore08
    danimoore08 Posts: 13 Member
    Struggle it is indeed! But i know it will all be worth it eventually.
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    Take progress pictures. I find them to be really helpful when I can't see the day to day changes
  • danimoore08
    danimoore08 Posts: 13 Member
    I have take some and ive yet to see major differences. Yet when i look at my body, arms legs etc, i see visible differences....just wish the camera and mirror did too lol
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    Body dismorphia. I doubt i spelt that right but still its where your body makes you appear different to you than everyone else. Kind of lile when an anorexic sees a fat person in the mirror but we see a skeleton. I had the same issue my first 30lbs it started changing slowly thiugh now i see it. I take a photo in a sports bra every 10lbs and the first 20 i saw no difference but when i hit 30lbs down i saw it but only in photos i didnt see it in the mirror for awhile afterwards the photos helped though. Keep at it and it will change i promise but its totally normal. Your body is changing faster than your brain.
  • danimoore08
    danimoore08 Posts: 13 Member
    Thats a good idea. Maybe ill start doing that as well
  • tifflong109
    tifflong109 Posts: 40 Member
    Does anybody else struggle with this? Clearly things are changing i see small changes on the scale, have had to add belt holes in my belts.....but when i look at the mirror or a picture i literally see no change! It sux!
    It makesit hard to stay motivated for sure.
    If you struggle with this, what do you do?

    I have the same issue, but everyone around me sees a difference. Just today i stepped on the scale and saw that i hit the 20 pounds lost mark, but looking in the mirror i cant tell at all... just keep going though, dont let the mirror discourage you.
  • Tophers_Motivation
    Tophers_Motivation Posts: 39 Member
    I don't see a difference unless I look at old photos, and then it usually takes them to be full-body ones. Being obese is ingrained in my mind, I guess.
  • danimoore08
    danimoore08 Posts: 13 Member
    Its amazing how much of losing weight is a mind battle! Today for the first time in a while i was at work and happened to be standing in front of a full length mirror (i was waiting for someone to finish what they were doing, not just standing there ogling myself at work lol thought i should clarify) and i saw myself and thought dang, my stomach is looking way thinner!
    So i guess somedays our brains are on track with our bodies and other days they arent, and those are the days i feel like i cant see a difference.
    Its good to know others struggle with this as well!
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    I think almost everyone does! I know that sometimes I look in the mirror and see a huge change but sometimes I look in the mirror and feel the same exact way I felt before I lost 20 pounds (150 to 130). I'm sure this was already said but progress pictures help so much. Whenever I feel like I'm putting in all this effort for no reason because there aren't any changes anyways, I just look at my progress pictures and it really does work :smile:
  • aftnrid88
    aftnrid88 Posts: 21 Member
    This has been something I experience all the time! It can be frustrating, but I think it's gotta be normal. I noticed this when I was gaining weight too and pictures would shock me! I think our brains must be wired to see the exact same person that it saw yesterday until we die. Sorry if that's too morbid, it's just my hypothesis. I've noticed that when I catch sight of myself in a window or something I'm always a little surprised. :smile:
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    It took me so long for my brain to catch up with my weightloss. People would comment about how thin I was, and how much weight I had lost, but I could not see it in the mirror at all. One day it just hit me, I was getting ready to shower, caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and realized, oh my goodness thats me!
  • Deadlineordust
    Deadlineordust Posts: 5 Member
    I understand. I dropped 55 pounds so far and I am not happy with what I see in the mirror. I want to drop 30 more. Just keep at it.