Falling off the food wagon!

Day 5 and I fell off the calorie counting wagon. Made some fried cheese balls and ate them even though they didn't taste good. Also it was raining for most of the evening and hence didn't get out of the house for any excercise. Decided to skip dinner to make up for the heavy snack but couldn't help feeling hungry and eating. Feeling miserable....why couldn't I just say no!


  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    edited July 2016
    cause it happens. and will happen in the future. what matters is how quickly you right the ship. Don't let past behavior dictate future decisions.
  • fitwestcoastgirl
    fitwestcoastgirl Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone slips up. The difference between failure and success is how you respond to a slip-up. At times when I'm in a good place and really dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle, I respond to a slip-up by letting go of the regret and moving forward with my food and exercise goals. At times when I'm not in such a good place and a lot less stable, I respond by holding onto the regret - and continuing to eat, using the justification that "well, I screwed everything up already so I might as well keep eating." Stay focused.
  • BarbellzNBrotein
    BarbellzNBrotein Posts: 306 Member
    besaro wrote: »
    cause it happens. and will happen in the future. what matters is how quickly you right the ship. Don't let past behavior dictate future decisions.

    This right here. It's ok OP. One day of bad eating won't hurt you the same way one day of good eating won't help you. It's what you do consistently that counts.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Shrug it off. As some other poster said just get back on the wagon. Remember this is a long-term Journey not a Sprint. Just as you didn't gain the weight all at once you won't lose it all at once.

    Tiffany my only suggestion is log everything you eat whether you go over or not. By doing this you're honest and accountable to yourself
  • frogisco
    frogisco Posts: 6 Member
    Hey I hear ya! I had a planned cheat yesterday and was horrified with a lunch that was basically my whole day. Back on track today but I'm really scared to get on the scale and see failure for one lousy day out if 12. I mean I was within the tracker for the rest of the week.....
  • shaylas78
    shaylas78 Posts: 21 Member
    I count everything I eat, but allow myself one maintenance meal each week which is an extra 700 calories on top of my allowed calories per week. I eat a healthy snacks between each meal which helps me not binge when it's finally time to eat my meal. I have been surprised how eating this way has allowed me to be satisfied. I have a Haribo gummy bear habit, and I not getting rid of it. I'm eating a few pieces instead of the whole bag or bags in one sitting. When I started counting everything that went into my body I started to see the changes. When I saw the changes I have been motivated to keep going. If I go to restaurant, I look up food calories on MFP to see if I should really have the menu item listed. Let's be friends! This is an Awesome community!!
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    It's one day. You are just getting started. It takes 30 days to make something a habit. You're just not there yet. I know I'm not. Going forward, make better decisions. No I'm not talking about eating the cheese balls. I'm talking about eating bad things that don't taste good. Since calories are so precious, if you are putting something in your mouth that's not amazing, stop eating it. Despite what your mom said, you really don't have to clean your plate & it's OK to throw food away. Second don't skip a meal to make up for a bad earlier decision. I'm finding that a few smaller meals are working out better for me then sticking to breakfast, lunch & dinner.

    I gave in to one of my weaknesses / triggers yesterday & had some drinks after dinner. I knew the choice I was making as I did it. But I also stopped way earlier then I would have before starting this journey. So that's progress.

    Like you I struggle with beating myself up when I fall back into old ways. Learning to forgive myself or better year realize that nobody's perfect is going to be one of the tougher parts of the journey.

    But since you mentioned guilt, do some penance today -- do an extra exercise. Walk a little more; do one more set; etc. That is a better reaction / choice then skipping a meal.

    Another "trick" I have learned is to drink a glass of water when I'm hungry. Many times that helps to suppress the hungry feeling. I've also stocked up on gum & mints which satisfy the "taste" craving not satisfied by the water. The 5 calories in my lifesaver is still a smarter choice then all the calories in the cookies I think I want.
  • SonaliDeuskar
    SonaliDeuskar Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya Trish, love your post! I absolutely agree that I need to get rid of the guilt coming from wanting to clean the plate so to speak. It's so intrinsic the need to not waste food, I have to tell myself it's okay to not eat something because it does not taste good.
    And yes, compensated for yesterday's high calorie intake with a great 9 km walk today.
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    Good for you! I'd be dead if I tried to walk 9 km lol