Gaining Weight after Stomach Virus

Two weeks ago my weight loss totaled about 20 pounds leaving me just 8 pounds away from my goal. Not long after that weigh-in, I ended up getting a stomach virus. That caused a huge change in my diet because it consisted of fluids with electrolytes and a diet only containing 800 calories the first few days because I could only have bland things like pretzels. I also could not exercise being I felt miserable. These past few months, my body was used to my morning fiber shake, lunch, a low calorie snack, dinner, and water and forty minutes of running.

I did not lose weight at all through this ordeal from being ill and after after 6 days I began to eat more normally and exercise (though not as often as I did pre-virus). This past week I have finally felt myself to restart with morning shake instead of pretzels for breakfast with no more stomach pain and back to exercising normally. The only thing that still is lagging from having been sick is not being regular bathroom-wise.

In spite of everything, I gained two pounds. I do not understand considering when I was sick I never broke 1000 calories (which was NOT intentional) and when I was getting better I was consuming the right amount of calories I had before I was ill. Is it because my digestive system was out of whack and needs a few weeks to stabilize?


  • IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt
    IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt Posts: 695 Member
    I don't know the answer, but I will say I have experienced this same phenomenon on at least two occasions. After a bought of illness (and eating little during that time), returning to eating a barely normal amount led to a large gain on the scale.

    My only advice is to stay patient and give it time. For me, it was not a 'real' gain (which only time told me), but seeing a big gain really did a number on my head/mindset. Don't let it get you down!
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    If you haven't been regular in the bathroom, then that's the most likely reason for the 2lbs.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Fluids with electrolytes often contain sodium, which helps to retain fluids lost when you had your virus. The virus also messes with your digestive flora, and you will be irregular for a while. You may want to supplement with a probiotic and add yogurt to your breakfast, or as a snack. Raspberries and blackberries can also help to normalize your digestion.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    Water weight and food weight can easily account for 2 pounds. If you had very little food in your system, and then went back to your normal food intake, then you'd have more food in your stomach/digestive tract and that has a weight as well.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    Probably water weight. You also may have underestimated carries and you probably were much less active. But my vote is fluids. Be glad it's 2 lbs. most I saw an individual gain weight from massive fluid resuscitation was 48.5 lbs in one day from receiving 22 liters of fluid, blood, and assorted blood products. It was all gone in a couple weeks either way, you'll be fine ;)
  • leopardessa
    leopardessa Posts: 17 Member
    edited July 2016
    Thanks so much, everybody!