Advice Needed!

vtakougang Posts: 46
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I'm not really new here because I've been on here for about a month. Anyways, my name is Veronica and I obviously really want to lose weight. I've been wanting to for a while now, but I just now got really determined to do it. It has been hard though. Sometimes, I just don't feel motivated to go out running, or whenever I'm out to eat with friends or family, it's just hard to say no to all the good (and unhealthy!) foods offered to me. Anyone know what I'm saying? What are your motivations to exercise and how do you keep yourself motivated? Also, how to you determine what are the right foods to eat or what to eat in general when there are so many other good but unhealthy options? I really want to lose weight, not just to look good, but to also feel good about myself. I hate always having to suck in my stomach, or to feel like the big girl around all my friends. If anyone can help me or answer any of my questions I'll be so happy! I'm also here for anyone who wants to talk!


  • Libby9
    Libby9 Posts: 45
    I feel exactly the same way!

    I'm sorry I don't have the answers, but think about how good you will feel! xxx
  • EMS325
    EMS325 Posts: 2 Member
    Hope that helps! Good luck and keep going!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    My thoughts exactly. My motivation is looking through the Success Stories message board on MFP. Everyone's story is extremely inspiring. If they can do it, you and I can too! Good luck. :smile:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Welcome Veronica!!
  • Hello Veronica.

    I am likewise the same as you. I'm the bigger one of all my friends, wasn't really motivated, and always so tempted to eat those wonderful (not to my stomach aha.) looking foods.

    I am just starting this weight loss journey too! I've been on many unsuccessful diets, the good and bad ones. I've lost weight and then gained it back. Right now I am working with friends to keep me motivated.

    Walking with dogs also keeps me active and walking, working and being around people all day can help, and also not being able to have any colored drinks at work helps! Think about a vacation coming up and you wanting to be in a bathing suit and not feeling self conscious.

    Good luck to you!! If you need someone to talk too, I am always on here, either on a computer or on my phone. :) Have a wonderful day and enjoy loosing weight!!
  • vtakougang
    vtakougang Posts: 46
    thank you both! i do always try and think about how good i'll feel once i reach my weight. i also think i will start doing the milestone steps because i know when i have something to accomplish by a certain date, i am always motivated to achieve it!

    thanks so much to both of you!
  • missyjmet
    missyjmet Posts: 46 Member
    hello veronica! set a goal. for example, I decided to run a half marathon this fall (never running more than 4 miles at one time in my life!) I signed up for the race, and that is what keeps me motivated to work out. . . to accomplish that goal.

    Melissa <><
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    My true motivation started when I found out my health was being affected by my weight so I've made, and still making, it a point to get regular check ups and follow ups with my doctors. Last year I found out that I had a heart murmur that could possibly be corrected through losing weight. I also developed gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy and high blood pressure four days postpartum. That was enough of a wake up call for me, so off I went to a check up in January to see just how unhealthy I really was. The good news is that everything going on within my body had/has the ability to be corrected through diet/weight loss. The bad news is...well there is no bad news. I got my wake up call, revamped my eating habits, joined the gym, and started losing weight. To date I've lost thirty pounds (I'm sure I could have lost more but didn't try harder), my blood pressure is back to normal, and I feel and look great! Once you set in your mind that this is something you want to do then it becomes easier. For me, I found people who shared my passion for a healthier lifestyle and have been encouraging people around me to do the same. It's really all about discipline and finding alternatives to creating a healthier you. The key for me making it this far was research. If you want to know the healthiest options/alternatives for the foods you like then let Google guide you. You'll be amazed at the wealth of information you have at your fingertips without leaving your home. Good luck!
  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    Here is what I go by:

    If someone else made it, it's not good for me. (Resteraunt, deli, etc)
    If I don't know what's in it, it's not good for me.
    If it came frozen, in a box, or in a can, it's not good for me.
    If it is just heat and serve, or add water, heat and serve, it is not good for me.
    If I did not buy it fresh, it is not good for me.
    If it has any artificial ingredients or preservatives, it's not good for me.
    If it's not in as close to it's natural form as possible, it's not good for me. Yes, I wind up eating things that aren't good for me, but they are better than the alternatives which are even worse. (For example, I'll take butter over margarine any day, real cheddar over american cheese, whole milk over skim, etc.)
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    my advice is to look at the ingredients of your food, take bread for may say "wheat" but if you look at the ingredients and the number 2 ingredient is sugar, put it back! The way I lost weight was cutting down on processed foods and I started eating as many "WHOLE FOODS" as possible. I dont store or heat my food in plastic containers, and, like i said, I check the ingredients before I buy anything. Before long I could tell what was good and what wasnt. Good Luck!
  • The truth about exercise is that it will always be a challenge starting out. But I PROMISE you that the more you do it -the better you will feel and the easier it will get! Not easier physically.... but easier mentally! The feeling you will get after every workout will feel SO GOOD! All you have to do is get started and STICK WITH IT! :happy:
  • DanaKinzer
    DanaKinzer Posts: 72
    As far as exercise goes and going out to eat, remember that if you build a healthy and active lifestyle, ONE day of high calorie/low activity won't hurt you. You must build that healthy and active lifestyle though. If you want to go out to eat with your friends Friday night, then use that as your motivation to work out even harder Sunday through Thursday nights.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Hi Veronica
    Im gonna sound harsh in some of what I am going to say but believe me it comes from a place of caring and support. Stop making excuses, stop saying you want to and DO IT, Stop lying to yourself, Just stop the negative thoughts. ONLY YOU can do this. YOU Make the choices for your life no matter what your motivation is to not be the big girl anymore BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! Eating one bad meal isnt going to make things go backwards its eating bad all the time is how we got here. Food is not the enemy or the problem. Its how much how often and what we choose that can be the problem. MAKE THE BEST CHOICES MOST OF THE TIME! When you cant dont beat yourself up but dont allow yourself to fall back into old ways of thinking thats its ok to eat crap all the time. BELIEVE I CAN LOSE WEIGHT! I AM WORTH IT! I WILL DO IT! Your the only one that can make the changes, you know what needs to be done, you know you have to get up and move, you know what the best choices to eat are.
    You can also plan your eating around knowing your going out with family and the food they may make wont be the best choice so eat different during the day and exercise more to allow for those calories. EVERY CHOICE YOU MAKE IS FOR YOU and YOUR NEW WAY OF LIFE! MAKE GOOD POSITIVE CHOICES!
    How much time do you spend in front of the computer / tv a day? If you spend say 3 hours Take one of those hours and give it to yourself instead of sitting get up and move. Arent you worth that giving yourself a healthier and happier life.

    For me I stay motivated by knowing this isnt a diet, this isnt a fast fix. Its gonna take time to get where I want to be but I didnt get fat overnight and Im not gonna get skinny overnight either. I dont deny myself things I want but I balance things out when the choice I make isnt the best or healthiest. But I also dont eat those things everyday.
    I want to be a better me and I will be in the near future but I also know only one person can do this and its ME

    Hope I didnt upset you and I Hope YOU make it where you are going too
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Veronica!

    The key thing for me is to keep my eyes on where I'm GOING (being a healthy person who exercises regularly). So I focus on building the habits that I will have when I'm a trim, healthy, and fit person. It's easy to exercise on the days I feel like going to the gym, but the habits start to become more concrete when I say, "Blech, I REALLY don't feel like exercising it's gonna be especially important for me to exercise today."

    Again, keep focused on that thin, fit person you ARE going to be...and all the other things that are drawing you away from that will be seen for the obstacles they are.

    And yes, I have to remind myself of this all the time, too! :)

  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    My thoughts exactly. My motivation is looking through the Success Stories message board on MFP. Everyone's story is extremely inspiring. If they can do it, you and I can too! Good luck. :smile:

    I live on the success story message boards lol. I havent stuck with something like i have so far with MFP. Ive only gone 21 days but thats how long to start a new habit, right? Its exciting to see other womens pictures!! One day ill be a 100+ success story, just gotta keep at it!!

    Good luck to everyone as well. Feel free to add me.
  • QueenHanifa
    QueenHanifa Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Veronica,For me the first thing I did was start to educate myself on healthy low calorie food.(use google).make a grocery list and start out weekly (eggs,chicken ,fish and beans for protien,lots of fruits and veggies,and less focus on starches(rice and potatoes) .I reframed from eating out to once a week and always choose something simple (simple things grilled chicken salad or you can ask for double veggies instead of starches) also get a workout in before you eat out so you can have extra calories just in case you go over your goal Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me only if you have an open dairy
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Set small, attainable goals for yourself. Maybe just going for a nice walk would be a start. Certainly running will burn more calories but if you find it difficult to get motivated to go out running then just go for a walk. When you enter the activity into MFP you will find that you have burned more calories than you thought you would.
  • My motivation is my arthritis and my two little boys. If I don't lose weight I will keep gaining and at some point in the future will require a double hip replacement, I've only just turned 34 and I'm not quite ready for that just yet. I have only been on here for a week but my wife signed up at the same time and I have some very motivational friends that use mfp too, they REALLY help. But thankfully I love cooking, so trying new things and cooking most things from scratch really helps too. That and the fact that cooking from scratch helps with the weight loss!
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    Sometimemy greatest motivation is looking back to yesterday or the day before and feeling good because I made good healthy choices and that I move different. I am more alive then I was yesterday. Most days I don't feel like getting up and working out but I sit there on my couch and think how good I felt the day before when I did work out. Its hard but good. You can add me if you like. My diary is open and you might find some good ideas :-)
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