I need to lose 120lbs

I've been here a couple times, but somehow I don't stick around logging my routine as I should and I think if I have some friends for mutual motivation I'd be more likely to don't skip a day! I've been through a rough journey regarding me weight. Every time I lose weight I end it up gaining all back and plus some more. I'm 34yo and almost "scared" to lose weight again for that reason. Anyway. I'm new and none of my real friends use this app, so I guess I can find people here that share the same desire, not to diet, but to change a lifestyle and become a healthier person!


  • aquinasnurse
    aquinasnurse Posts: 4 Member
    I am 47 and on a journey to lose weight. I have lost 49 pounds and have 100 more to go. I'm looking for MFP friends. I'm a nurse and work 3 nights each week and I'm in school for my Masters full time. I just recently had the "sleeve" surgery. I'm trying to login every day and get some exercise in a few times a week. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • Nv_Gali
    Nv_Gali Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm 27 and weigh 275 I am doing this on the long way food and exercise. Not to say that I am on a very restrictive or deficit but I am cleaning up my act. I am not against surgery 1 my insurance doesn't cover it and 2 I am afraid of going under the knife. I feel that my brain needs time to process. I have used myfitnesspal before but quit too soon to even log a month. I have used plenty of diets having the yoyo effect I believe the worst I have ever gone through was herbal life. I'm trying to stick with logging in this time. Fingers crossed.

    I have basically been overweight my entire life but this is the first time I actually feel unhealthy. Now I am watching some youtube videos that are motivating me one is Legit Nutrition Hawaii the other is Big Fat Life. I agree with you the key is to become healthier and learn a new lifestyle dieting doesn't work. You also have to do it for yourself not for someone else, the idea of someone else, or to conform to society. I wish you the best of luck and I send you a lot of positive energy to hopefully stay on this path and become healthier.
  • SaraMA1
    SaraMA1 Posts: 410 Member
    I just joined today, as an effort to start logging what I eat every day, I'm 36. I have never been one to actually "count" the calories and everything else that I eat so..... I thought this would be the place to get me in the practice of doing so. My fiance and I are getting married in September of 2017, so I would like to lose a lot of weight in the next year. I would love to connect on here with others who understand and share my struggle, on some days, as well as give each other virtual high fives! Hope everyone is having a great day so far!?
  • bdawes60
    bdawes60 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I have been searching my fitnesspal for a few days now and I stumbled into this page I am looking to find some mutual people that need t o lose weight some that c a n keep me going