Looking for friends with similar goals: 20kg to lose

H2016EY Posts: 3 Member
edited July 2016 in Introduce Yourself

I'm new in here and I'm looking for people to team up with!

I'm 23, my height is 157cm and I'm trying to reach 50 kg in the long run.

During my late teenage years I used to weigh 47 kg with a bmi of 19.

Somehow I managed to gain weight little by little... 1kg... 2kg at a time saying "oh it's nothing I'll deal with it later" until I reached 66kg in 2 years by pure laziness and lack of motivation.

I then disciplined myself and in around 6 months I was at 54 kg! Yey. But very soon after I went through a nasty breakup and a lot of emotional eating and... one year later I weigh 70kg, feeling and looking very unhealthy.

Now the plan is: first I need to reach 60kg in order to be at a healthy bmi. Then, try to get to 50kg.

If you feel like teaming up with me and have similar stats / goals... comment and let's do this!

Kind regards to everyone!


  • sarahhatahet
    sarahhatahet Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey there,

    It seems like I have found someone that almost shares my story with my weight.
    I am almost the same height; 155 cm and I also would like to reach 50 Kg.

    I used to be 60 kg, then i got pregnant and started eating a lot until I became 67. after that I had a miscarriage and bulked up to reach 72 kg.

    I am looking forward to lose this weight and reach 50 kg.

    so let's do this and motivate one another by eating healthier and exercising as much as possible.

    With Regards,
  • H2016EY
    H2016EY Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey Sarah! Glad you replied. Indeed our goals are similar... you sure understand how it feels when you are short and carry that weight.

    I just checked the BMR (calories your body needs in order to function well) of people around our height and weight is 1400kcal. When we'll reach 50kg it will go down to 1200kcal...only to maintain the weight! That's lower than I expected. And all diets recommend eating 1500kcal to lose weight which wouldn't work.

    I'm trying a 800kcal "diet" right now, don't know if you're interested. I saw a doctor recommending it on a show. Apparently it lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. I can't really recommend it because different things work for different people but I'll let you know how it goes.

    Let me know your weight loss "secrets" and how you're planning to do this!

    Let's be the best versions of ourselves girl !!!!

    Kind regards