Getting Started (Again)!

Hello all! My name is Ashley, and I'm 24 years old. I have a 3 year old daughter and a wonderful boyfriend.
Like many of you, I'm not happy with my weight. I've yoyo-ed up and down the scale my whole life, and this past Christmas, I realized I weighed a scant 7 pounds less than my heaviest weight ever. Which was not okay, seeing as that was when I was 40 weeks pregnant. And this time, I haven't been pregnant for almost 3 years. I have no reason to be this big.
I'm 5'8. I've known since I was a young adult that I wouldn't weigh 110 pounds like all my 5'2 friends. I don't have insane goals of wanting to weigh an unhealthy, low number. I want to weigh around 140-145.
At my heaviest non pregnancy weight, I weighed 188 pounds. When I started talking to my boyfriend in February of this year (we met online) I was determined not to let him see me that way when we meet face to face. By the time we met in June, I had dropped 16 pounds, and weighed 172. I was so proud of myself, even though I had almost 30 pounds to go. And then I met him.... and he was (is) the most wonderful, caring, supportive, accepting person I have ever known. I'm so lucky to have him. But here's the thing. I was so worried he wouldn't like me if I was heavy. But now that we've met, and I know he loves me for who I am?? It's made me lazy. We met a month ago today, and I haven't worked out since I met him. I've gained 6 of those 16 pounds back, and honestly, I'm furious at myself. I'm posting this topic so hopefully some others of you out there will help me kick my butt back into gear, because I have a long way left to go. I want to be a healthy mom for my daughter. I want to feel strong, and capable, and happy in life and with myself.
This is the start of my real journey. I hope you'll join me on it
