Anyone else feel bad after going over your daily caloric limit?



  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I don't stress over it, and it's actually become part of how I eat. I look at my goal as an overall weekly total. So on some days I go over, and other days I go under. But net for the week, I'm still maintaining the same deficit. It doesn't matter if it's on every single day, or if it's up and down, it's the overall net deficit that is key.
  • ChihuahuaMeme
    ChihuahuaMeme Posts: 19 Member
    For the past 6 months I have been out of control in the evenings so I make that the biggest meal of the day now and seems to be working for now. I usually feel bad when it comes to weighing and I see I took some steps back and it is very discouraging to think I have to get those off again. Trying to have more self control but it is like I am sleep walking when this happens.
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    I only feel bad if the food wasn't worth it taste wise.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    If I do it every day then yes. But if it's a rare thing then no.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    No I don't feel guilty at all. I just log it, think about why I did it and go tomorrow is a new day. By logging it I'm accountable to myself.

    What you have to remember is one or two bad days is not going to make or break you. same as one or two really good days is not going to help you lose dramatically weight either. You have to look at this as a long-term journey and a Sprint.
  • zumbagirl2526
    zumbagirl2526 Posts: 30 Member
    I really appreciate all of the replies. Today I went over my biggest deficit as of yet. I ate an entire pint of ben and jerrys ice cream, which placed me 910 calories over my daily goal. Oh well, it was hot outside and I just couldn't stop. The ice cream was calling my name.
  • bex0r2016
    bex0r2016 Posts: 12 Member
    My goal is 1200 and I'm VERY high protein (im cutting and also hate working out at the moment which is why it can be so low.. lol!) so I pretty much always meet it or am around 1150 :)

    I'm cutting and down to 1200 high protein too! when people freak out about going 200 cal over at 2500 or more I just laugh. Until you've dealt with a margin of error as small as we currently are I think it's a little silly to get so upset over a few cals over. The difference between 200 cals over at 2500 vs. 1200 is pretty damn large ;)
  • Atchmon
    Atchmon Posts: 16 Member
    You made a bad decision, and you should feel bad!
    lol nah.
    I was wondering about this myself, MFP recommends 2500 daily for me, but I'm trying to do the bare minimum of 1500. Ever since I read some success stories of guys similar to my weight and height who've reached their goals. Sometimes I feel bad about it but then I remember there still 700 more calories I could've eaten.
  • Atchmon
    Atchmon Posts: 16 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention, I read there's like a 10-20 Percent margin of error when it comes to calories. So there's that.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    If so how do you feel better about it?

    How do you counteract the guilt?

    The guilt, or at least the recognition of the overage is good - it's a mental tool to keep you on track, provided you don't get consumed by it.

    Most of us aren't perfect automatons who can hit their calorie limit every day without fail - I've been pretty solid with mine for over a year, but there have been days (typically going to a football game or some family event) when I've ended up blowing my calorie limit by a huge margin (2x or 3x my calorie limit).

    Accept & understand the damage that the overage does to your end goal, do the work to counteract it and move on. As long as you're keeping to the overall trajectory that you want, it's just a blip. If it's more regular, and/or it's preventing you from progressing, then maybe you need to reign it in a bit, but otherwise use t as a spur to keep on target in the future
  • natasyafrederika
    natasyafrederika Posts: 1 Member
    My calorie is 1200 per day because i want to lose 10kg in 3 month.. After eating too much and over my calorie i feel a little bit dissapointed with my self because i can't handle what i am eating and the next day i trying to eat based on my daily calorie and not doing over eating
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Yes, but it's all part of the process. As for what I do about it, it depends. If it's early in the week, it's fairly easy to just exercise a bit more and eat a bit less to make up for it. However, there have been plenty of times where I had neither the time nor the strength, so I just went back to my regularly scheduled calorie deficit the next day.
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    edited July 2016
    In the past, going over a day or two used to totally derail me. You know, "Well, I screwed up, so I may as well throw my hands up and quit."

    Horrible thought process. Now I look at my deficit in weeks at a time. In other words, when I am consistent, I have built up a huge deficit in a week or two or even a month. Having a few days of going over my deficit, or even over my maintenance calories, does not cause me mental anguish anymore.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    If so how do you feel better about it?

    How do you counteract the guilt?

    I don't feel guilty, but instead annoyed with myself, if it's by more than 200 cals.

    If it's less than 200 cals, I'll look at the previous days to see if I have wiggle room from having previously eaten under my goal. If I don't have that wiggle room, I'll up my cardio a bit the next couple days.

    If I'm over by a lot, I'll do some extra sessions of cardio to help mitigate those additional calories so that I've at least reached the maintenance goal for that day, if not the deficit goal. (my cardio is the stationary bike which I use when watching TV so it's fairly easy for me to do extra)

  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    edited July 2016
    I feel bad, but I let it go. After all, there are some days when I don't feel hungry, so I eat hundreds of calories fewer than my limit.

    I've set my site up so that I have times rather than meals and snacks. My days, then, start at 12 a.m. and end at 11:59 p.m. Tonight, I really wanted popcorn, so I made some near midnight and ate it afterward. That, then, will go on today's foods.

    I want to be honest with regard to my eating.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    it doesn't happen often, but sometimes i do go over my calories.and yes i feel guilty. usually i compensate the following day by eating less.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yeah I do. Which is a good thing, IMO, or I would never have lost the weight!

    Now I'm getting used to it as I keep a low goal on purpose though... knowing I will go over sometimes, but it still makes me plan my days better and decreases the chance that I will go for empty calories 'because I have calories left'.