Looking for new friends ! :)

ku1014 Posts: 18 Member
Trying very hard to eat healthier and to go to the gym at least 3 days a week! Would love to meet new friends and help motive each other! Feel free to add me :)


  • sdyke0820
    sdyke0820 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm in the same boat, I'm trying to break my terrible eating habits I've learned over the years and trying to get back into and back to healthy weight!
  • ku1014
    ku1014 Posts: 18 Member
    It's hard but we can do it!
  • aimee_fidniz
    aimee_fidniz Posts: 7 Member
    Weight loss is definitely better with support! Friend request sent. :)
  • Xsjadow
    Xsjadow Posts: 37 Member
    Hey, add me for support and motivation
  • Lonelybroccoli_2
    Lonelybroccoli_2 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for new friends also. I've been here before but life happened....etc. So I've started a new life style regime on the 2nd of January. Since then I've lost 2.5 st (approx. 15 kgs).
    Now I'm here again, trying to control my carb intake.
    I'm insulin resistance so it is very important for me. If anyone in the same boat please get in touch and we can share tips and ideas. I'm from Ireland by the way.
  • shanye12345
    shanye12345 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Maggie I also lactose and dairy
    intolerant so getting the normal protein product in to my had always be a problem of late,
    I need to loose around 45 pounds to get to my target weight it has been so easy it has creeped up over the years.
    Thanks Shane
  • davidmartinez66
    davidmartinez66 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey all, anyone can add me, I have lost 91 pounds and I am essentially at my goal weight of 175, I am continuing to log exercise and food daily and support my MFP friends along the way. Finding new active friends is always a plus for me!
