Need motivation and a kick in the...

I'm not new... Well, I'm one of those yoyo dieters I guess... But, hubs and I have finally decided it's really time for a change! We have a gorgeous 4 year old girl and both work full time. I enjoy working out and we have lots of equipment at home so there's no excuse not to exercise each day. But... My issue is with food! I love food, all of the food, but mostly the kind you're not supposed to eat :p

I have days where I am not even really hungry but I just have to continue stuffing my face or I feel like I'll die! It's crazy, I know. Anyway, I'm trying to change my eating habits and would love for any of you guys to add me and give me a swift kick in the rear when you see me logging donuts and cookies :)


  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    I'm willing to support you, & give you a kick if need be. Lol
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    you can add me but I eat donuts and cookies and I lose weight and so can you. Weight loss is about eating less than you burn - you don't have to give up the things you enjoy to lose weight (unless you want to). In order to be successful in the long term, you will need to find something sustainable and if that means enjoying cookies- than do so WITHIN your caloric allowance. So, for example, if you have 1300 cals - use some of those calories for cookies. easy.

    BTW - I have some of the same food issues you mentioned - eating when not hungry, overeating, stuffing my face, etc. We are all here to try to change our eating habits. It's hard, but it's possible. some of my days are great and some are not so great - I overeat. Just stick with consistent...don't stop this time.

    I have a toddler as well. A 3 year old. I try to remember that I am setting an example for him as well.
  • bendis2007
    bendis2007 Posts: 82 Member
    I saw this posted by someone awhile back:
    Everyday they bring a banana to work and it sits on the desk. She doesn't eat the banana, it just sits there. If she's not hungry enough to eat the banana.....then she doesn't need to snack on something else.
    Find your banana.

    Don't give up everything you love, make small changes and small goals - there will be occasional setbacks and plateaus but you've got this. It's a hard thing when food has controlled you for so many years and trying to get back to "eat to live" not "live to eat" (I was the same way, and it's taken me about a year but my days of mindless eating are now a rarity as opposed to being a common occurrence.)

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    What if I told you that the buttkicking is what fuels the yoyoing? And that all food can be eaten in moderation? That loving food is good, also for health and weight management, but abusing food (like eating mindlessly) isn't? That motivation comes and goes, but determination and setting realistic and measurable goals will give you results? That small, incremental changes to your diet is most likely to stick, and can be very effective, partly because... they stick? That if you wanted to work out, you'd already be doing it, and that you could find something else you like better?
  • Brianthesnail1971
    Brianthesnail1971 Posts: 9 Member
    I know what you mean, I guess a lot of us have been there, done that, worn the t-shirt, realised (eventually when seeing a picture of said t-shirt on FB) that the T-shirt looks daft and moved on ... only to do it all again. I've found that most of my issues (I can only type for myself) was the timing of when I was eating the food.
    I now make sure of breakfast at a sensible time (before 9am) and eat what I like (within reason ... the ENTIRE menu of Burger King, although tempting, is probably pushing the boundary) at lunch, taking in the majority of my calorific intake before 2pm.
    That then gives me time to burn it off during the day and pop a walk/run/gym session in after work which means a light dinner in the evening works for me.
    I cook for the family, so when i cook for them I simply box up mine for the next days lunch.
    Good luck :smile: