That Roller Coaster Life...

shesagoalgetter Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2016 in Introduce Yourself
My highest weight was 303 in my 20s. Got down to a pre-baby weight of 230 at age 30. After baby running weight of 158 <3 and have slowly but steadily climbed back up to 270 ish. Used Dietbet to get down to 231 by last Christmas. Stopped weighing in, stopped /cardio/lifting and started binge eating instead. Started yet AGAIN at 262 on June 22 and I'm at 254 as of this morning. Tracking my journey on IG, same name.

So tired of telling myself, "I'll start on Monday." I want to be ready and confident for any adventure and event in that moment. I'm disappointed that I've stopped being fun and impulsive. Rather, I realize that I've started to analyze everything. I get those feelings of anxiety, dread and hesitation when a trip or event is proposed. You know the feeling, right? Thinking of a way to get out of an activity that will make me feel uncomfortable, what will I wear, can I do it, hating hot summer hot weather, what are people going to think of me, avoiding pictures, lowered self-esteem. All those emotional ups and downs because my roller coaster went off track...again.

My life has been a series of countdowns. I have this wedding, this vacation, this deadline and then freaking out cause I only have X amount of days to get back in shape. After the deadline passes I revert back to my unhealthier ways. Anybody else ready to get off this crazy dieting and binge-ing rollercoaster ride too? Hoping to find some like-journeyed (I made that word up I think ;) ) guys and gals for motivation, support and ACCOUNTABILITY!


  • suz829
    suz829 Posts: 17 Member
    Oh man does that story sound familiar! I'm all that PLUS-- low carb...nahhh, low fat.....nahhh, low calorie.... UGH. SO sick of the roller coaster "diet" ride and ready to just exercise and eat the right way!! I've used MFP in the past, never with friends. I think the support is what we could all use! Add me! :)