Banking calories?

st476 Posts: 357 Member
So I'm banking calories this week (600 yesterday, 1500 today, 900 tomorrow, 1500 Wednesday, 900 Thursday, 1800 Friday, 1200 Saturday) anyways, it averages out to be 1200 calories a day if I'm looking at Sunday-Saturday

But if I look at Tuesday-Monday my calories average out to be like 1300 a day (since I don't eat 1200 everyday and have some high calorie and some low calorie days)

My body obviously doesn't just reset itself at the end of every week so I can start new, so I'm confused how that works.

I know I might be thinking too deep into it lol


  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    Why don't you just stick to 1200-1300 calories if that is your calorie goal? Why mix things up?
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    Why don't you just stick to 1200-1300 calories if that is your calorie goal? Why mix things up?
    Because you can't get much out of 1200 calories a day but you can get a lot out of 1500-1800 so I just prefer it. It's kind of like intermittent fasting I guess
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    Oh ok, I understand the intermittent fasting aspect of it considering how that works for many people. So if this is what you prefer I would just stick to it.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Some people stick to the same calories daily and some bank calories for another day. The body does not reset itself daily so maybe just do whatever works for you. I often bank during the week and it hasn't affected my weight loss.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm not sure I follow, but I think there is something wrong with your math somewhere.

    If those 7 days average out to 1200 cals, it doesn't matter what order you do them in... the average will always be the same.

    Sunday: 600
    Monday: 1500
    Tuesday: 900
    Wednesday: 1500
    Thursday: 900
    Friday: 1800
    Saturday: 1200
    total -- 8400
    average -- 1200

    Tuesday: 900
    Wednesday: 1500
    Thursday: 900
    Friday: 1800
    Saturday: 1200
    Sunday: 600
    Monday: 1500
    total -- 8400
    average -- 1200