New to My Fitness Pal

Hi everyone, I am Nat, I'm 36 married with 2 kids.
Over the last 4 years I have put weight on due to a bad back and not being able to run.
I have cut out completely all the crap I eat and I have lost nearly a stone in a week, I work full time a long with my husband and son, my daughter is at high school.
We are all home generally at difficult times, I'm looking for help with any healthy, low calorie meal ideas you may have.
Looking forward to meeting other people and hearing your story whilst on your journey.


  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    Hi! Just rejoined after two year break and breast cancer battle last year. Send me an add. Glad to cheer along with you.
  • Gem27star
    Gem27star Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Well done on the weight loss so far, I'm also looking for help with low calorie meal ideas so hopefully we can share some!
  • NatFranklin36
    NatFranklin36 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi twogoots, well done on beating cancer you are so brave.
    What weight are you hoping to loose? Xxx
  • NatFranklin36
    NatFranklin36 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Gem27star, that would be fab to share some meal ideas, that is the biggest thing I am struggling with, having one extremely fussy child, working full time and we all get in at different times has proved challenging.
    We love chicken, any ideas you have would be much appreciated xxx
  • GillianSurgenor
    GillianSurgenor Posts: 4 Member

    I'm Gill, I'm 30 and mum to a fabulous three year old. The weight went on while pregnant and I'm past the point if saying it's still baby weight I think.

    I'm looking to lose appx 50-55lbs. I don't eat much red meat, or any seafood so my diet is predominantly chicken and pasta dishes.

    I've just signed up to BeachBody, they're doing a 30 day free trial where you can access all the fitness videos for free during those 30 days so that's my plan as soon as the wee.ine bed each night

    Just thought I'd say hi, and happy to have / swap recipes etc. I definitely need an accountability buddy
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Keep up the great work!
  • rainykatie
    rainykatie Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Nat! I'm a full time working mom too, age 38. Its been hard to find time to exercise so I am focusing on food intake right now. Ive been using MFP for a while but havent been too active. That is changing! My baby is now 13 months and I am more than ready to ditch the baby weight.

    Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • dominosmiles
    dominosmiles Posts: 9 Member
    Just getting over an injury ready to get back on a healthier lifestyle
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Nat ! Hi all !
    Welcome aboard. I am an old yet new again member of MFP. Here to try and beat myself into shape for good or at least a long while this time. Congrats to everyone for being here and to those who have lost weight.
    I'd love to add more friends to my village so please feel free to add me.
  • NatFranklin36
    NatFranklin36 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, what is everyone finding a struggle on their diet? How do you manage this? Xxx