Hi there! Looking for friends!

Hi! I've been a mfp member for about 5 years but never posted on the forum.
I lost 33 lbs back then but gained it all back so I'm at it again. Problem is, all my friends from then (44 of them) don't use the app anymore except 3 and they don't ever post statuses. So if you would like to be my friend please friend me! I'm looking to lose 50 lbs, but I'm starting off with 25-30. I'm 46 and am a single parent to one 14 yr old boy. I live on Long Island in NY.


  • fitasamermaid
    fitasamermaid Posts: 22 Member
    Go ahead and add me. I'm back to mfp after a while, and I'm still figuring out how to add friends!!!!!! :D