Zucchini help

jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
Hi, I have Zucchini in my garden this year and I was wondering what do you do with them? Besides make bread and fry it. That is really the only things we do with them. I am looking for recipes. Any ideas would be helpful! I do fry it with extra vergin olive oil so that is better than reg veggie oil.


  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I saute it in olive oil with fresh basil and then top with a sprinkle of feta cheese. It's also good if you slice it long wise and brush with olive oil and grill. You can also dip it in egg whites and roll in panko bread crumbs and bake in the oven to give you that "fried" zuchinni feel.
  • 01elizabeth59
    That sounds yummy! I will have to try that!
  • Marleneaa
    Marleneaa Posts: 16 Member
    Zucchini chips are great alternative to potatoes with a meal. I use a mandolin slicer to get this slice of zucchini. I spray a pan with olive oil pam, lay out a layer of zucchini chip, quick sprizt of pam, sprinkle on herbs you like, a bit of grated cheese, then bake in oven at 400 degrees for about 8-10 min, watch them sometimes cook quicker or slower depending on moisture content. enjoy :happy:
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Zucchini chips are great alternative to potatoes with a meal. I use a mandolin slicer to get this slice of zucchini. I spray a pan with olive oil pam, lay out a layer of zucchini chip, quick sprizt of pam, sprinkle on herbs you like, a bit of grated cheese, then bake in oven at 400 degrees for about 8-10 min, watch them sometimes cook quicker or slower depending on moisture content. enjoy :happy:

    Oh! I will try that later today. Thanks!
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Believe it or not I think zucchini is great on homemade veggie pizza :D
  • rmlandrum
    rmlandrum Posts: 5 Member
    Slice it thin and layer it in a veggie lasagna, dice it up and saute it with other veggies to add to pasta, soups, or stews, or roast it in the oven with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    I remember one year when my mother unwittingly planted enough zucchini to feed a small town. She had no idea they were so prolific. After that for weeks we ate zucchini soups, zucchini bread, zucchini stir fry - zucchini cookies.. you can't imagine.

    Zucchini is very good sliced and sprinkled with paprika and chopped garlic and a wee bit of oil or cooking spray, wrapped in tin foil and roasted on the BBQ.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    i slice them and some potatoes, and then create a lasagna by layering potato, zucchini, and canned tomatoes over and over. I sprinkle cheese on the top and bake for half an hour! Its super easy, and i can throw whatever is in season in it....leeks, squash, mushrooms, spinach, you name it!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I LOVE zucchini cut into chunks and oven roasted with a little olive oil and garlic. Mmmmmm, so good!

    You can also add it to stir fries, soups and casseroles. Zucchini can be frozen for later use if you just have to much to deal with at once.
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    I love stuffed zucchinis!
    For 6-8 zuchinnis
    1/2 medium onion
    ground beef (about 2 closed fists...sorry, i'm terrible estimating oz)

    Cook the zucchinis in boiled water (about 20 mins. they should be tender enough so you can be able to pass a fork, not too tender.
    While you are boiling the zucchinis, cut the onion into small pieces. Add some olive oil to a pan (about 2TBSL), cook the onion in high until is semi-brown. Add a pinch of pepper, salt, paprika.Add the ground beef, and bring it to medium and wait until it cooks.
    Once the zucchinis are done, cut them lenghwise. Using a spoon, carefully remove the flesh. Add this flesh to your ground beef mixture.
    Finally, stuff them!
    Optional: sprinkle with parmessan, and put it in the over for 10 mins at 250F... soo good!!!

    It sounds like lot of work, but it takes me 45 mins, and it is totally worth it.
    this is how it will lool
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member

    This is awesome.

    I love zucchini; I put it in everything. I like to saute it in (with some Pam) and throw some seasonings on it, and then either put that into a salad, or add an egg to it and make it an omelet/scramble, with whatever else I have (spinach, mushrooms, ham, turkey bacon, feta cheese). So good.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    love stuffed zucchini!!
    here's a great recipe.

    also, just boiled is yummy too.

    and these look yummy - i haven't tried them yet but i definitely want to!

  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I planted 8 plants this year. I think I went overboard. LOL For the chips, I am thinking I need a way to slice them all the same, some were not done and others were burning. I just got 6 more today from the garden.

    Keep the ideas coming!!!
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I like to shred it,and toss with fried rice, or add shredded to top of thai soup,tossed in spaghetti. In meatloaf,my kids hated zucchini, but they ate more than they know ;-)
  • SunnyDuckz
    SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
    Having 3 little ones who do not like veggies (boo) I have found that zuccini is a great vegetable to hide! It has a mild flavor, so if I have an abundance of it I can puree it into tomato sauce, finely chop it into dips and salsas etc. I love it raw or steamed. Sauteed with a little seasoning and a splash of soy sauce or balsamic vinegar is great too.
  • cupcakecarnivore
    Here is one of my favorite ways to use zucchini!! This recipe is so yummy and really good for you.
  • Grumpelina
    Grumpelina Posts: 56 Member
    6/700g chopped courgette (zucchini)
    1 litre veg stock

    Boil it all up until it's soft then blitz in a food processor/blender until smooth. Pour back into the pan and then add 70g of low fat soft cheese. Heat gently - the soft cheese should melt in and also leave some nice little cheesy blobs.

    Makes around 1600ml, which is four nice filling bowls of very few calories.
  • princessnutsack
    princessnutsack Posts: 1 Member
    i throw 'em in some marinara sauce in a pot and simmer.
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    My mom cut one in half and then cut each half into 4 sticks, tossed with some olive oil and a little parmesan and baked them for a while. I'm not sure what oven temperature or how long, but they were really good, and I don't even like zucchini! I've also added some in smoothies because you can't taste them and it adds a serving of vegetables.
  • deb1130
    deb1130 Posts: 37 Member

    I like to saute zucchini, yellow squash & onions. Had that for supper. :happy: