Tired Of Being Fat

So I am 21 I am roughly 6'6 & I weigh 205lbs!! I just dropped 10lbs because I was doing kennels so I walked dogs every day in 90 degree weather! I haven't seen a physical change but the scale says so. I'm not single & my boyfriend tells me he loves my extra curves but I hate it! I'm tired of being scared to wear shorts in the summer or not go swimming because I have anxiety just thinking about bathing suits!! I want to turn heads I want people to tell my boyfriend how hot his gf is. I am obsessing over working out and what I eat & the amount that I eat and I can go into the bathroom without stepping in the scale....this is so hard and I feel like I'm on my own!! I got a gym membership & it took me almost 3 weeks of having just to go inside because my anxiety told me people would stare! Being over weight and dealing with anxiety is 10x worse than just dealing with anxiety!!!! Y'all should add me and help me! Help me through this


  • KRocka1981
    KRocka1981 Posts: 59 Member
    I have very similar feelings sometimes! It is hard. Very hard. I got a gym membership and I wanted to avoid the gym,.but I forced myself to walk through the doors. I got a personal trainer to help me because I really did feel intimidated being there. He has helped 100% with that. I also work with a man who used to be a trainer and he helped by reminding me that everyone is at the gym for the same reason, to become or maintain a healthy version of themselves. You are on this journey because you want this for yourself and you are worth it! I'll add you. Good luck on your journey!
  • Schmitty_89
    Schmitty_89 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey there~ Hang in there! Do not let numbers on a scale scare you. You can overcome this! The fact that you want to get healthy is amazing. :) Being healthy is about balance. It is not about restriction of food and working out to death. The key is to swap bad food for healthier food and to find an exercise activity that you enjoy. (For example, if you do not want to jog on the treadmill why not try Zumba? It is a lot of fun and you sweat hardcore.) For me, I am too poor to afford a gym membership so I have a lot of workout dvds that let me exercise in the privacy of my own home. But if you have a membership, you definitely have a lot of opportunity at your hands. You have to tell yourself, you are working for YOU and no one else. Not even for your boyfriend. He and your friends can be motivation but girl, this is your time to focus on you. It can be intimating to think people are judging you, but most of the time it is in your head. Being healthy is about progress and even if you do a 10 minute walk everyday, that small task adds up over time. You will be ahead of the thousands of people sitting on the couch. So do not be too hard on yourself and take baby steps and celebrate the small stuff. <3