Any young mamas out there, trying to lose 30-50 lbs.?!

Hey girls!
I have a sweet, busy 2 year old daughter, but I have yet to lose the baby weight from my pregnancy...anyone out there in the same boat?! I'd like to get pregnant again, but I am going to lose at least 35 pounds to get to a healthier place!

SW: 224.8
GW: 175

Feel free to add me, ladies! xoxo


  • Thelmaaa1990
    Thelmaaa1990 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, my little one is a year and a half and I would love to be my prebaby weight but it's sooo rough. I feel like I start a diet or a new routine then it just gets rough to continue the routine. So, I'm hanging in there. ❤
  • littlebird_87
    littlebird_87 Posts: 18 Member
    I am also a mom to a 2 year old girl, and about to start trying for #2-- we have similar stats and motivation. At about 225 lbs, I lost about 10-12 pounds back in April-May and coasted through the first half of June. Today is my 30th day of eating only Whole30 compliant foods and netting about 1300 calories. I've lost 18 pounds so far this way!
    SW: 225
    CW: 195
    GW: 175
    Wish you luck!
  • candacem1991
    candacem1991 Posts: 19 Member
    I am mom of three boys (6,4 and 1). I have already lost 65lbs and have 40ish more to go. Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • lista10
    lista10 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey I'm in the same boat, I have a little two year old boy! And I lost 30 lbs last year now this year it's kinda about the same. But it's hard to find time to work out and try eating healthy and clean! Add me
  • ambrise
    ambrise Posts: 7 Member
    Yes! I have a 9 month old. Before I was pregnant I lost 100 pounds. Gained some back during and after the pregnancy and am trying to lose about 50lbs now. Any motivation and support is appreciated. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • ayobeezy
    ayobeezy Posts: 18 Member
    mom to a 15 month old boy here, I've lost 33 lbs so far and would like to lose 37 more. added you :)
  • FindingLiz016
    FindingLiz016 Posts: 79 Member
    You more than welcome to add me any of you ladies :) I have a little girl who will be 16 months tomorrow <3 I be lost 45lbs but I have about another 40 to go
  • ericatoday
    ericatoday Posts: 454 Member
    I had my first son at 17 i started my pregnancy at about 135 to 140 and after him i was 165 he is almost 8 now im 25 and my second son is almost 2. I ended that pregnancy at 176.

    Sw 175
    Cw 138
    Gw 130

    I want to have 1 more child but just like you i want to know how to be and stay healthy first and get down to my goal. The next time i get prgnant i plan to be 130lbs and only gain what i need and stay healthy during and after my pregnancy id like to be back where i started. I started my journey last year in october im 8lbs away from my goal and now i know how to keep healthy so hopefully my husband and i can try again next year.

  • Mom2Frankie
    Mom2Frankie Posts: 23 Member
    You can add me. I have a soon to be 3 year old and I have 40 pounds to lose!
  • sbguitargirl
    sbguitargirl Posts: 4 Member
    I am turning 20 this month. My son is 5 weeks old, and now that my doctor released me to exercise, I am ready to lose this baby weight!!

    Any of you can feel free to add me.
  • campb2ti
    campb2ti Posts: 104 Member
    Mom of 2 (2.75 &1) I have 50lbs to lose. Finding the best time to get in a workout is the biggest challenge
  • JrChamberlain
    JrChamberlain Posts: 23 Member
    Same boat here!!! I am a mom of 2 wonderful littles 6 and 1-1/2. My start weight was more than it was when I was 10 months pregnant. I am hoping to lose at least 30 pounds if not 50.

    SW- 194
    CW- 189
    GW (short term)- 160
    GW (long term)- 140ish

    Anyone can feel free to add me!!! I have an open diary ☺☺
  • jessicamreinhardt
    jessicamreinhardt Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, looking for a support group to help me stay on track. I have 2 kiddos - 8 and 6, and about 30 pounds to lose. I'd love a few accountability partners to help keep each other on track and to share tasty healthy recipes I might be able to get my family to eat with me!
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Hi , feel free to add me
    My kidlets aren't so you anymore but still doing an insane amount of running(both don't drive yet) around with them
    This time I'm doing this for ME, because I matter more than I think I do!
    This is my first time with mfp, been here +115 days and struggling along
    I post challenges a few days a week to keep motivated (you don't HAVE to do the challenge)
    Hope to see you 'round !
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone! I have a 7 year old and a 3 week old. After my 7 year old I joined MFP and lost 30lbs. Then I gained it back plus more. This pregnancy I only gained 15 lbs, but I want to lose the weight I gained before I became pregnant. I'm looking for new friends to keep me motivated and accountable so I can lose weight again.

    I haven't been cleared by the dr. yet, but I'm feeling great and I know my limits. At the moment I walk between 30 minutes to an hour a day using my jogging stroller.

    GW: 150-165

    Feel free to add me