
All i can say is depression is the devil! Seriously i get on track with my diet then stress hits and then depression and bam "where did that donut come from"? I just wish i could stay consistent no matter what!!


  • Botendaddy
    Botendaddy Posts: 10 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Do your best and forgive yourself a few slip ups. It takes a long time to catch the rhythm of losing. It's a marathon not a sprint.
  • lschwab618
    lschwab618 Posts: 4 Member
    Once you get into s healthy rhythm of working out and making healthy choices you will feel so much better mentally. Just try to be patient and focus one day at a time. If crave sweets carry fruit with you or even dark cocoa chocolate for a snack.
  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    Depression is also my biggest enemy. It makes me not care about anything.