New mommy getting back on track :)

NMWa Posts: 12 Member
Hi :)

Back to MFP after a long hiatus. Due to complications my pregnancy wasn't as fit as I had hoped it to be. Gained 17kg all up and have no idea where I am at right now at 1 month after giving birth. I am breastfeeding my baby so can't go all out on the diet and still figuring out how to exercise with a newborn attached to me pretty much 24/7.

Interested in connecting with other new moms and just some friendly, motivated people in general. Feel free to add.


  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    Hi Congratulations on your new addition, good for you getting back into it so soon .. Ive no advice my kids are all grown up , but maybe some walking with a pram ? & there are some challenges going at the moment like a 30 day at home squats challenge where you fit 10 or so in between feeds :wink:
    but am happy to be on your cheer squad if your looking for friends :smiley:
    Also are you aust you talk in kilo's ?
  • rachealjane24
    rachealjane24 Posts: 10 Member
    hello, my youngest is 3 years old now :) congratulations! Take it one day at a time. Daily walks with bub in the carrier (or pram) is perfect. I found with breastfeeding my body hang onto about an extra 5kgs til i weaned (at around 2 years) so be gentle on yourself. Eat lots of vegies with every meal :) keep on boobin!
  • NMWa
    NMWa Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks :) found a whole new type of appreciation for what my body is capable of. I used to measure that appreciation in output in the gym and dropping numbers on the scales but after building and delivering a perfect and healthy little human those definitions have expanded beyond that.

    Walking with a pram or a carrier a few times a week when the weather permits. Squat challenge sounds good :)

    Oh and yes I speak metric.