i cant do it

MrsH06 Posts: 159
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I eat good during the day and at night I binge on sweets. I can't say no. Any advice? I try to avoid buying sweets but the summer is hard with birthday parties, picnics, and such. Ugh. I feel so stupid and fat. :(


  • themurph8910
    themurph8910 Posts: 124
    FRUIT! sweet fruit such as strawberries and pineapple are going to help. I feel the same way you do. I swear I make more trips to the grocery store for fresh fruit than I do for anything else.
    Also if at a picnic you are asked to bring something always volunteer for a tray that way at least you know you will have some thing healthy there. I also never eat an entire piece of birthday cake, I take a couple of bites from my husband and let him have the rest.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    You CAN do it! Just stop buying the junk. There are other things you could bring to parties likes fruits and veggies.

    I know I personally have no self control, some things can just never enter the house period.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    You CAN do it.
    If you have them in the house and can't resist - them give them away or throw them away.
    I've been known to buy some treats, eat one or two then throw the rest in the bin. It's hard and it feels wasteful but it's working!
  • ikatsume
    ikatsume Posts: 8
    I've been drinking water to help me stay full. I wouldn't force yourself to quit eating stuff you like, but maybe just have one piece of cake, or a smaller bit of ice cream, etc... I've just started a couple of weeks ago, and I seem to be making progress doing that.
  • Jenlynphi
    Jenlynphi Posts: 183 Member
    You are not stupid and fat! Your body is just craving sweets. Have you tried sugar free jello with sugar free or fat free cool whip? I have made a low calorie strawberry shortcake. I slice up strawberries in a bowl and add a little water and splenda. I stir it and pour it over one strawberry shortcake dessert shell. They are 100 calories I think. I then put a teaspoon of fat free cool whip on top. I think the entire dessert is about 160 calories. It is yummy and you are not eating a ton of calories. I even added blueberries and raspberries the other night. Just a thought. :smile:
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    Believe me girl, I LOVE sweets. But saying that you "can't" say no is just making excuses. You totally CAN do this!! And ya know what? As hard as it is to say "no" to that awesome looking piece of chocolate cake....it feels even more awesome the next morning to know that you are in control of you and that the cake did not control you. I had to realize that it wasn't because other people were better than me that they got to eat the things I wanted to eat, it was because I am worth it not to eat that stuff. A treat here and there, sure. But you don't need it every night. Take control!! Maybe start off by not thinking of it in the long term. Think of it in days. "Okay, I'm just going to go today without any sweets." If that doesn't work and you're in a situation where you're tempted, maybe think in terms of hours or minutes. "Okay, I just have to get through the next 5 minutes without putting it in my mouth." Then, applaud yourself when that five minutes is up, and start again.

    Oh, also.... Don't think of it like you can't have sweets. If they're totally taboo, then you'll want to cheat just to do it. Treats are okay now and then. Work a (small) piece of (dark) chocolate into your daily calories. Or treat yourself once a week to some ice cream. You gotta' make it work for you, or you'll fail.

    You can totally do this.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    At night, I eat full fat greek yoghurt with a bit of honey and dip slices of apple in it for my dessert. it's nutritious and healthy even if it is a bit calorie heavy. and it's filling, it really hits the spot, makes me feel like i've had something substantial and something sweet. it's my thing for the moment.

    I can't stand those low calorie deserts, diet jellys and mouses and yoghurt, may as well be drinking water.
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    I love eating chocolate...but instead of eating a full bar, I'll buy Dove Promises or Hershey kisses. Calories still add up fast, but I can take tiny bites and enjoy my 24 calorie dove promise and be satisfied.

    I've learned from a long journey of grazing that if I am craving something, I might as well have a small morsel of it, otherwise I will eat whatever else I can get to sustain that craving, and end up eating it anyway, if that makes sense.

    I've been moving more towards fruits though lately...sweet, healthy, and very tasty. Plus, I can eat more of them!
  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    You are not stupid and fat! Your body is just craving sweets. Have you tried sugar free jello with sugar free or fat free cool whip? I have made a low calorie strawberry shortcake. I slice up strawberries in a bowl and add a little water and splenda. I stir it and pour it over one strawberry shortcake dessert shell. They are 100 calories I think. I then put a teaspoon of fat free cool whip on top. I think the entire dessert is about 160 calories. It is yummy and you are not eating a ton of calories. I even added blueberries and raspberries the other night. Just a thought.
    Yum....going to try this!!! Also - Fiber One Brownies are a good way to treat that sweet craving! 90 Calories! Also try Sugar Free Jello Cheese Cake with sliced strawberries....YUM. :drinker:
    There are so many ways you can feed the sweet tooth and keep your cals and sugar very low. Good Luck to you....just keep reaching out for ideas and support.....You CAN do this! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I'm the same as you. In the mornings I feel invincible and ready to conquer the world.. Then evening comes and I don't know what happens, but a switch turns on and I'm a raging mad sweet-salty-whatever-my-body-is-craving-I-need-it--nowwww person. I'll go to the store and buy chips and sweets and eat the entire contents that night. Next morning I vow to never do it again.. but we know how that goes!

    This week I made it my goal to not buy any junk. If I want something really badly like ice cream, then I can go out and have ONE serving. That way I'm not bringing any temptations back to my apartment. Plus I have fresh strawberries, cantelope, popcorn, vitatops, crackers, greek yogurt, etc. I'm hoping to use healthy alternatives for my usual junky cravings.
  • tuskegee4
    tuskegee4 Posts: 110 Member
    I started making my own GORP/Trail Mix with M&M's for a few months and now with raisans and dried cranberries. I have one of the small mouthwash cups in the container and I get a little everytime I crave something sweet.
  • literaryshots
    literaryshots Posts: 66 Member
    Read an article that made two points-1 if you always do this it is a habit, one takes a while to break. It also suggested your body is really craving something else-here is their list

    What you might be missing what to eat
    Chromium Broccoli, grapes, cheese, dried beans, calves liver, chicken
    Carbon Fresh fruits
    Phosphorus Chicken, beef, liver, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, grains
    Sulfur Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage
    Tryptophan Cheese, liver, lamb, raisins, sweet potato, spinach

    Good luck, sugar addition is tough! I know you can be tougher!
  • frlsmith
    frlsmith Posts: 8
    You can try tricking yourself as well. Two things that work for me are mint-flavored things and hard candy. Chewing a piece of (sugar-free) gum or having a mint really help my brain understand that it's time to stop eating. I'm also addicted to sugar-free Baskin-Robbins mint chocolate hard candies. They're delicious and in the five minutes it takes me to eat one, I've satisfied my sugar craving. I also like what I heard from previous posters in terms of low-calorie desserts, fruit, or just understanding when you're hungry versus when you're thirsty.
  • I have the same problem on some days. I have found that I don't really have to deny myself, I just have to deceive my mind. My mind says "I want chocolate, or I want ice cream" so I have been buying the ice cream bars & the chocolate bars from skinny cow. http://www.skinnycow.com/ You can find them at any regular grocery store. Seriously you can't tell the difference between the regular stuff & the skinny cow stuff.

    Today I wanted a candy bar soo bad when I was at the grocery store, I bought one of the chocolate crisp bars instead & was completely satisfied & it was only 110 calories. That's a huge difference from a Snickers bar. Give them a try :)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I buy little amounts of sweets when I go out. Today I got a Ben and Jerry's Americone mini cup. It's 220 calories but it was super rich. Can't lie - I wish I could've ate a whole container of it - but it was satisfying in that moment.
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    Watermelon- YUM! My treats have been those 40 calorie sugar free Fudgesicles, the Jello Temptations puddings and Yoplait Chocolate Eclair yogurts. I always make sure I have the calories saved for the end of the day. AND, obviously you aren't stupid if you've figured out how to lose the weight you've already lost! Don't give up!
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