10lbs in 30 days - On a Roll and Looking for More

TroyAlbert Posts: 5 Member
edited July 2016 in Getting Started
Made the commitment to get leaner. First order of business was my mental attitude. Simply had to change the way I look at food. How far we've drifted as a culture from healthy eating is beyond words. Its every where around us.

Hired a nutritionist, took a tour to the grocery store to help meal prep and learn how to read labels (ingredients) and off I went. I went from a chronic Diet Coke drinker (like 10+ a day) to 0. Stone cold quit. Gave up eating out, and the only thing that goes in my mouth are things I plan to put there and know exactly what's in it.

I managed to lose a whopping 10 lbs in my first 30 days (222lbs to 212). Definitely wasn't fun and took more dedication than I thought I had, yet once my mind was in the right place I managed to chip away at it.

I will say losing weight is WAY more about diet then it is exercise. Exercise is a nice bonus to toss in but your wasting time if your not eating right. I don't even work out that much (slowly increasing the amount I do). Food is king I found out. For a 40 year old male (5'6) who's BMR ranges around 2000, I'm keeping carbs and fat low (combined total as close to 150 as I can). Mostly eating heavy Protein (175g or more a day). No breads, no pastas, no sodas, no sugar. Weights peeling off me. The best part was that after week 1 sodas were easy to give up. Cravings and headaches diminished. By week 2, my taste buds had changed and simple foods I used to eat made me sick.

For those out there struggling...get your head right first. Just promise to stick to it for a few weeks NO MATTER WHAT, but do your part and don't make excuses. You must have the will power and be willing to change. It starts with between the ears. The rest is execute and repeat.

I'll post some updates later.


  • Maby1987
    Maby1987 Posts: 27 Member
    I just started again yesterday, and aiming to lose about the same as you've achieved.
    Thank you for sharing :)
  • sunshines4nate
    sunshines4nate Posts: 22 Member
    Wow well done! I dont have a great deal of weight to loose but love reading stories about strength or the mind. A change of focus and outlook can achieve so much. Well done and I hope you inspire many people on the same journey as yourself! Good luck
  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    Today is my first day starting back. This has really inspired me!
  • TroyAlbert
    TroyAlbert Posts: 5 Member
    With a little guidance I think we all "know what we have to do". We just have to get that head in the right place, stop looking for excuses and work hard! We got this! Nice to meet everyone.
  • lisahebert186
    lisahebert186 Posts: 736 Member
    Congrats. And I agree, you have to turn on your mental switch first. I'm learning more and more every day and so many people on this site have helped me. It's so nice nice to have that guidance.
  • Half_Bruin
    Half_Bruin Posts: 56 Member
    Just finished my first 30 days of being back as well. Keep up the good work!!
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    You are doing great. I'm just recently back. Day 3. I hurt everywhere but I know it's because I'm doing it right ! Like you had an addiction to diet pepsi..... I stopped as well. So far so good. I,m back to being careful about what I eat. The beiginning is always rough. Thank you for the reminder that by sticking with it for a few weeks it gets easier. It is always hard to break old habit. Thanks for your post !
  • juanitagardner07
    juanitagardner07 Posts: 43 Member
    I too have given up Diet Coke and it really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.. I believe it was all in my head. Yes the first day or two I had headaches but that went away and now I don't even want one nor do I like the taste anymore. (One of my coworkers bought me one and to be nice I tried to drink it, but ended up throwing it away) Congratulations on you progress!! And thank you for sharing! I have been on since the end of April and have only lost 23 pounds so far I have about 40 more to go... One day at a time....