Fibromyalgia anyone?

I'm curious if anyone out here also has this. I've been officially diagnosed for about two years now. For the last month or so my left leg has been the worst area. However today while out on a field trip for work my left leg went weak at the hip. I can lift my leg while standing to walk if I really focus on my walking, if I'm not focused my foot drags and I stumble/fall. If standing still and I try to lift it to step up stairs it won't move. Same for a sitting position I cannot lift it to get into my car I literally have to pick my leg up with my hands. I've been non stop moving till now and my entire leg hip to foot is severe pins and needles. Ugh. Guess I'll be going to the doctors for this flare up. I've never had this happen before!


  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i have myalgia from another autoimmune.
    make sure you have a good team. and tell your team your health goals.
    I want to be active as long as possible.

    and definitely see your doctor, this sounds serious.
  • bwelch2013
    bwelch2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I have Fibro and my entire body hurts. My worse part right now are my feet. I can hardly walk at times. I started crossfit 2 weeks ago. Although extremely tough, I have endured the pain and then pain of working all parts of my body that has been effected by my lack of doing anything due to my weakness, my weight gain, my fatigue and lack of interest. However, although crossfit is not for everyone (I am not even sure it is for me but I am giving it 2 months), it has made a huge difference in my body pain that is effected by the Fibro. Part of the crossfit is a lot of stretching muscles with various types of exercising.

    It takes a lot of determination to get up and get your body moving when it does not want too but our minds are viscous.

    It is hard to push myself when my toes have pins and needles and my foot feels like it will break but moving is the best thing. I also get in the pool and stretch and exercise. It has done wonders just in this short time. ALSO - with fibro, I believe that the way I feel is directly caused mainly by what I eat. The inflammation is severe when I am eating bad food. Through exercise and eating healthy, my mobility has improved by 50% already. I am excited to see what getting healthy will do to my overall feeling.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    My doctor is out today so I'm pushing through today and calling for an appointment tomorrow. Pulling my cane out and using it till this passes. I hate having to use it.
    Keep pushing through as I plan to fight this as long as I can!
  • nezza_93
    nezza_93 Posts: 7 Member
    My doctor thinks that I have fibromyalgia. I have been diagnosed with mixed connective tissue disease for 4 years now (autoimmune) and was just diagnosed with endometriosis (also autoimmune) last year. I feel so betrayed by my own body. I am in pain so much that it has really affected my life. Now to find out that I may have fibromyalgia... sigh. I say may because my follow up appointment is next week. I'm so glad you posted this because I was feeling very alone today.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    These types of diseases are difficult to live with. The "invisible" ones. On the outside you look and appear totally normal but on the inside you have a personal war zone. The response of "I'm fine" or "I'm ok" are automatic when you really should be saying "I feel like I've been drawn and quartered, then has searing hot iron pokers inserted into my joints, but I'm going to keep moving because if I stop I won't be able to get out of the chair."
    Remember you aren't alone with this. Just keep fighting.