breaking bad habits

Options I know that the more I eat (but less portions) and healthier foods are how I will succeed......can anyone give advice on how they transitioned from poor eating habits to healthy eating habits???


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    For me it was more of an attitude change - away from what you claim to be the road to success :p

    I stopped dividing foods into good/bad, unhealthy/healthy, and instead embraced the idea that anything can be eaten in the appropriate portions. How big portions are appropriate, depends on your calorie need, and it's up to you to decide how to get the most out of your calories. It may be cake, or it may be steak, or it may be neither. Or both. Maybe not every day. What you eat most days is more important than what you eat on exception days. The clue is to not make exceptions so often that they become the rule.

    I still eat the same foods as before, but I eat some of them more rarely and/or in smaller amounts, while other foods have become staples that I eat regularly. Basically, I've stopped overeating. I still overeat on occasion, but that's just... occasionally, and it doesn't have the same impact as regular overeating.

    After I came to the conclusion that I really can and should decide for myself what I'm going to eat, cooking started to become fun, and grocery shopping meaningful. I learnt through MFP's food diary paired with "the hunger scale" what proper portions for me are, so I prepare that amount and eat and enjoy it. I usually eat four meals per day and nothing between meals. I plan my meals so I can have all my favorites, and avoid waste. I have a well stocked pantry and freezer, and shop twice a week for fresh produce.

    What I did/do may not work for you. The only thing everybody who lose weight have in common, is a sustained calorie deficit. All those tips and tricks are just to make that easier. They will be different for every person.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Baby steps. Just make one change. Next week make another. It's impossible to eat completely healthy 24/7 and get two hours of exercise every day if that isn't something you are in the habit of doing. One step forward, sometimes means two steps back. Just keep your eye on the prize.

    Start with logging all your food, and studying your Food Diary. Add more vegetables and, "make your decisions in the grocery store" - i.e. if you don't buy it, you won't eat it.

    ...and could I come up with any more slogan-y slogans? :lol:
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    Don't transition. Just make your new goals and start and don't look back. The first few days will be difficult, but it will get easier and easier.
  • Zipp237
    Zipp237 Posts: 255 Member
    Just did it and stuck with it. It's a big deal and you have to be pretty committed to doing it if you want to succeed. Like quitting smoking, it's tough at first, but the rewards are good and you'll be glad you did it.
  • kwalker5276
    kwalker5276 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok....I see a couple different ways here. I will give them all a try basically. I understand about the smoking. I smoked for 22 years and then quit cold turkey without looking back. I was really sick though and wouldn't have made it if I hadn't quit. Thank yall for your input. :smiley:
  • lisalewis7588
    lisalewis7588 Posts: 76 Member
    what helped me the most was meal planning and only allowing ONE trip to the store per week and getting everything for the entire week in that trip. I always go right after breakfast on a Saturday when I'm full and still making excellent choices (as the day goes on, my willpower gets lower). that way, I don't end up with anything bad in my cart. And then my meals are all planned out and I have everything I need and I just don't allow myself to go to the store any other time. because if I go to the store in the evening, I can't control where my feet take me (freeze aisle) and what my hands grab (ice cream). so I don't give myself the opportunity.