I'm ready to finish my journey!!!!

After Easter in 2015 I began my weight loss journey and by March 2016 I lost over 50 pounds. When summer began this year I began my old eating habits but still being physically active. So currently I'm stuck at the middle mark of my journey. And I'm looking forward to finishing it by lost another 40 pounds!


  • yasseryehia334
    yasseryehia334 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going on my journey again after lots of losses and gains sick of yoyo effect and aim for a lifetime change, wish we could inspire each other towards our goal
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    I stopped losing weight two years ago because I couldn't stand the hunger anymore. I worked out a lot and actually lost some fat but put on muscle. Finally I just cut deserts and snacks and found I wasn't so hungry anymore. Now I've lost 4 kg in the last 3 months. (I'm down 16 kg total).

    My weight loss is closer to 0.5 pounds a week, a lot slower than yours.