
So I'm interested in learning how people handle meeting MFP friends IRL? What's appropriate? What's creepy? How have you reached out to your MFP friends? Bad idea? What are general expectations?


  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Not sure what you mean by In Real Life, as most of my MFP friends don't live in my area. But a few are on my Facebook and I private message a few as well. What's the point of having friends here if you can't talk to them? :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I dont look them in the eyes until the second time we hang out, especially if I think they are cool.
    if they are social idiots, I unfriend them after. I have no room for juvenile delinquency for attention.
  • NicoleBurgoz
    NicoleBurgoz Posts: 43 Member
    Haven't been luck enough to meet anyone, not that I have friends here to begin with :-D
    I doubt anyone is in my neck of the woods (South - all the way south - of TX)