how do i not give up

I started going to the gym in feb and my wedding is next june...i had been trying to diet since then, and keep going through phases for giving up and getting upset.

Can anyone give me any ideas on how to keep going and how to stpo eating the bad foodies

Toni x


  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    Say this to yourself:

    One year from now, you'll wish you'd started today.

  • misstash123
    You have to take each day as it comes, if you eat a "bad food" one day try and refrain from sabotaging the rest of the day or week because of it. The next morning just forget about it and start again, hopefully this will become easier over time as I am trying to do the same!

  • jen_marie_1976
    I to am in the same boat. I am getting married in may of next year. I have tried for over 10 years to lose wight, and never went through with it. I tried the gym thing, didnt this time i bought a treadmill for home. i love having it here where i see it everyday and know i have to get on it. i am in the process of buying home gym and a elliptical. i count my calories everyday, i think 1 day i might of gone over my 1200 a day calorie intake, i never eat my calories ive earned working out. i have lost 14 pounds so far, but i cant tell that i have...add me if you like.......
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Remeber that every time you give up you are giving up on YOURSELF. Don't let yourself down. Make good choices. I have started this a hundred times, but this time I said to myself thats it NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I'm worth it!!! I deserve it!!! Make time for yourself!!! I'm getting up 5:30 to be able to workout before my little one is up. Be your best friend!!! It takes a lot of work! But you cand do it!!!! You are strong!!! :)
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    read my post on living slim.....
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    It is all about have to be ready to do this, one thing I've found helpful is setting yourself weekly goals, or even daily, you have to write them down, commit to them and own them....this is no easy road, it is HARD work and discipline, it's something you learn by breaking old habits, it takes courage and can do this, we all have the same opportunities, it's your attitude that counts, take a leap of faith and the rest will follow
  • melissaemer
    melissaemer Posts: 2 Member
    For me personally, i try to be really good all week and then i give myself a break at the weekend. I find that if i allow myself the bad food at the weekend and dont beat myself up for it i find dieting midweek easier to do! Also, if you eat something bad for you, go for a walk, burn some of those calories off. Try not to think of your ultimate goal cos it might intimidate you, set smaller goals and reward yourself for reaching them, take photos at the end of each goal and even if you gain a few pounds dont let that put u off, just review the last few weeks and change something that you were doing. DONT GIVE UP!
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    I wanted to lose 10 pounds for a trip we took in november. i started in august, so it wasn't an out of reach makes it easier to start off by being realistic. you have almost a whole year to lose what you want to lose. what helped me was remember two important things: i'm an adult and make my own decisions. this stems from growing up wanting all the junk b/c my father was very 'territorial' with his food...odd man. so once i was making my own decisions...i ate whatever i wanted...including whole pints of ice cream or bags of chips. but now, being an adult means...i can have whatever i want...but i don't really NEED it. or, if i really do, i can have some, but i don't need to hoard it all to myself.
    a more important thing i keep in mind is: timing. sure, i want a cupcake...but i also want to lose some weight and be healthy. you know what, if i wait until i hit my goal, i'll stil be able to get a cupcake. it's not a now or never thing. food isn't a 'get it now or go without' item. for the 3 months i was losing weight i thought 'i'm gonna be good, i'm gonna lose this weight, and when i'm on vacation i'm gonna have dessert after dinner.' think about how delicious your wedding cake will taste...better yet, think of how delicious you are going to look in the pictures of you cutting your cake, kissing your new husband, beaming in your beautiful dress knowing how hard you worked to get to where you got.
    along the way you'll be tempted...sometimes you'll have to give in. don't beat yourself up, get back to it, and visualize the finish line.
    good luck!
  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    also helps to have a 'been there, done that' attitude to cheating - like if you fancy a chocolate = been there, done that many times so not worried about going without this once :)