Motivation is slowly dissolving!

Hey all! I really do wanna do this and get healthy and I've done it before but stopped for the holidays... And now I'm here lol but I'm already quickly losing motivation. How does everyone stay so motivated cause that is the hardest thing about it all :-(


  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    For me the lightbulb just clicked one day. I ran out of excuses, and I was tired of hearing myself complain about my health, my body, everything. I talked a lot about getting healthier, but never really put forth solid effort. I now have my husband who is doing this with me and we are all in. It feels so good! Just take it one day at a time. Worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Make healthy choices today!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    When I am feeling a little blah about it, I like to remind myself of the whys. Why am I doing this, what is the purpose of this journey, how will it benefit me? When I think about this instead of how hard it is, I get excited to be working on this. There is nothing wrong with baby steps and making one change at a time.

    I also love looking at the success board. Lots of great stories.
  • mjblair39
    mjblair39 Posts: 18 Member
    @cnavarro002 I started off terrible today but I plan on ending it much better! And that's what happened to me like three days ago, everything just clicked like I have to do this.
    @jdelaroy that's what I have to keep reminding myself of is 'why' cause I tend to think a lot about the 'why nots'. That's a good idea looking at the success stories tho!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Approach all of this with a realistic mindset. It doesn't have to be this awful, restrictive, killer 'diet'. Keep a moderate calorie deficit, you shouldn't be starving yourself. Don't over-restrict, eliminate entire food groups, or label certain foods as 'evil' or 'bad'. This whole process is so much easier when you realize you can still eat all the yummy things you like, just in moderation, and as part of a balanced diet. And find exercise/activities that you enjoy, so that working out doesn't become something hated and dreaded. I love dance so I do Zumba, I love the feeling I get when running so I run, I love feeling like a badass so I enjoy lifting. All the activities I do are things I actually enjoy and look forward to.

    You just need to approach this with the right mindset. Have patience, you didn't gain weight overnight, it's not gonna come off overnight, and that's ok. Make it interesting, try new activities or exercises, you never know what you might end up enjoying. Years ago I would have laughed in your face if you told me I'd end up falling in love with running, lol. And just think about it like a lifestyle change, something that is sustainable and still enjoyable.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like, for some extra motivation on here as well!
  • mjblair39
    mjblair39 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks!! That's another thing is patience, still working in that feature lol but I need to get back to the gym cause I really love being there
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Motivation is an overrated emotion...take the emotion out of it. We all do things every single day for which we are not necessarily motivated to do...I'm rarely motivated to do the dishes or vacuum the floors or mow the lawn, but these things need doing and thus I do them...otherwise my house would fall apart and be a filthy sty unfit to live in. Your body is your house...take care of your house.

    Beyond that, make sure you're realistic in your approach...expecting that you're going to be bang on 100% all of the time is unrealistic...eating something less than perfectly healthy doesn't magically unravel all of the other good things yet people just up and quit because they went out and ended up getting a slice of pizza...they let something that is largely irrelevant to the whole of what they are doing defeat them because of this ridiculous all or nothing mentality. You're never going to be're going to miss workouts from time to're going to go to a party and have to much to drink or eat to much, etc...just focus on what you're doing most of the time and not the irrelevant occasions that people get so wrapped up in.
  • mjblair39
    mjblair39 Posts: 18 Member
    And that's exactly what I do so thank you! I'm gonna end up looking back on this many times
  • girl_inflames
    girl_inflames Posts: 374 Member
    I'm finding a little bit of vanity helps me. Being a little hungry is worth being thinner and healthier. Fitting into a size 7 is worth more than those 3 slices of pizza to me. It's getting *HARD* and I've slipped quite a bit but you just have to keep going! It'll happen if you really want it!
  • Fiqahana
    Fiqahana Posts: 93 Member
    Everytime I feel like I want to quit, I rememb why I wanted to change for the better in the first place. I wanted a better life. I wanted a happier and healthier life. I want to live long enough to experience all the wonderful things life has to offer. I'm definitely not gonna let something like obesity or excess weight keep me away from my dream. If there's a will, there's a way. When you wanna quit, remember everything you have done to get to where you have progressed, and do you really want to start from Day 1 again? After all the blood, sweet and tears? I don't think so. Only you can change yourself, your life. Stay inspired, stay motivated, stay positive and stay strong. Best of luck hunn :)

    Anyway, to anyone out there, if you ever need a friend to accompany you through this journey to a happier and healthier life, motivate you to reach for you goals, support you through ups and downs, I'm always here to be that friend, so feel free to add me! I hope we all will succeed in this journey, until the end! Have a nice day everyone! :)
  • mjblair39
    mjblair39 Posts: 18 Member
    I am totally back at square one and it sucks! I do want this to be my last time being back here tho I just have to keep telling myself it's worth it. Thank you!!