30 Lbs by January with Fitbit

jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
Hello All!

I ordered a Fitbit to help motivate me on this weight loss journey. Please join if you have a Fitbit and would like to challenge and motivate on another to be more active! I would love to lose about 50 lbs, but I have been trying to lose weight for all of my adult life, with no real success. So I'm setting my goal low. In an effort to stay in contact with members, and really help each other be accountable, I will close the group once it reaches 25 members. Comment if you are ready to commit, and shed some weight!!


  • davdampa1066
    davdampa1066 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I'm David.
    I've had my Fitbit blaze since May and have built up my steps. Having over 70 kg to lose I was advised walking would be my best option. My wife gave me the Fitbit for my 60th birthday.. I live in Wales and have a great choice of walking routes I tend to zigzag around my neighborhood. With my calorie intake reduced by 1000 kcal and walking 60,000 to 100,000 steps a week I can lose between 3 to 4 lb. I have tried to lose weight for several years and because I work shift I quickly tired and put the weight back on and more. Like you I have set small targets for my weight loss and general fitness. I use the gym for weight and strength training. I would like to join your group. Mostly I walk on my own and would like to support others and share motivation.
  • jstarr820
    jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
    Yay! My fitbit blaze should be delivered tomorrow, Thursday at the latest. cant wait to start using it! I will be collecting e-mail addresses also, as MFP isn't as easily accessible as e-mail is for me. I'm planning to send out meal planning ideas, daily motivation, and exercises also. Looking forward to conquering this journey with you, David!
  • dedalaparoar
    dedalaparoar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I just got my fitbit last week and have been wearing it ever since. I love it! Ivery been trying to lose weight since I got pregnant with my first little girl in 2008! Instead I've just packed on more pounds. My current goal is I want to lose 60lbs. I live rurally and it's hard to take walks wit 4 kiddos on our slightly busy road. However, it's kind of my only option. I'D love to join some others to help with motivation! MY email is mamavirnala@gmail.com if anyone wants to add me on fitbit.
  • jstarr820
    jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey there! I am going to add you right now. My email is joiastarr@gmail.com. I just got mine in the mail yesterday and I've never been more motivated to move around! I love it too.. I set my daily goal at 15000, so far I'm at 5000, so we shall see how I finish. I sit down all day at work so I'd say I'm doing pretty good, so far! Lets get to stepping :smile:
  • kooshky
    kooshky Posts: 77 Member
    I'd like to join. Have a fitbit charge, blaze is in the mail. What do you all think of the blaze? Email is kooshky@hotmail.com
  • ssquirarte
    ssquirarte Posts: 24 Member
    if the group is still open I'd love to join. Email is ssquirarte@gmail.com
  • chill1998
    chill1998 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join too. Email chill1998@aol.com.
  • b1229
    b1229 Posts: 57 Member
    edited July 2016
    I would love to join as well have a fitbit charge
    Email bchasakwa@yahoo.com
    Have a desk job so on good days only do about 7500 steps would like to go over 10000
  • AliciaC100
    AliciaC100 Posts: 7 Member
    I would like to join. I have the charge. I've been slacking lately but just joined weight watchers and need all the motivation I can get! My email is aclark2908@gmail.com
  • swansong54724
    swansong54724 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join in with you all! I have a flex for about 2 years now but havent used it to its potential lol
  • delllis06
    delllis06 Posts: 18 Member
    I would like to join. My Fitbit charge comes in a couple days. But I have been walking all week using the iPhone health and map my walk to get my steps in. I have a desk job for the last word years and have put on 50lbs. Need to lose it. Any help and motivation is appreciated. Please add as a friend. Email is dawnellis06@yahoo.com
  • FrankieLuv88
    FrankieLuv88 Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join in. I have 100+ Ibs to lose. Email is lakesha50@gmail.com
  • Kgal0913
    Kgal0913 Posts: 4 Member
    Just got my Fitbit Blaze and have quite a journey ahead of me. I'd love to join the group as well if it's still open. Email is Kimberly.galio@yahoo.com
  • jstarr820
    jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
    kooshky wrote: »
    I'd like to join. Have a fitbit charge, blaze is in the mail. What do you all think of the blaze? Email is kooshky@hotmail.com

    I love the blaze.. This is my first fitbit, so I can't compare it to any of the others, but along with the app on my phone, this is the best thing since the treadmill! I imagine the earlier versions of the fitbit do the same thing, however the convenience of the screen on the Blaze is awesome.. seeing everything in an instant is even more motivating! It definitely pushes me to be more active!
  • jstarr820
    jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone for wanting to join! I will add you all before this evening. Our first challenge will begin tomorrow!
  • jstarr820
    jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
    I would like to join in with you all! I have a flex for about 2 years now but havent used it to its potential lol

  • dilciaruiz14
    dilciaruiz14 Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to join
  • jstarr820
    jstarr820 Posts: 13 Member
    I would like to join

    Fitbit Email?
  • dilciaruiz14
    dilciaruiz14 Posts: 4 Member
    It's dilciaruiz92@yahoo.com
  • medwards01
    medwards01 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2016
    Count me in! I live in western Oklahoma, US. I've got a Fitbit Zip. My email address is mark.aka.papa@gmail.com. I'd love to lose 50 lbs, but need to set a short term achievable goal to gain some confidence. This 30 lb challenge may be just what I need!