Thoughts on Cheat Days?



  • calleefrances
    calleefrances Posts: 19 Member
    @StealthHealth thank you! I agree one day eating bad for the sake of eating bad can undo a week's progress, but honestly, my cheat "day" is a cheat meal, and I have been eating under my allowance all week, so I think I will be ok!
  • Caitlinbc
    Caitlinbc Posts: 1,914 Member
    edited July 2016
    The only time I indulge is on holidays(Thanksgiving, Christmas etc), my birthday, vacation and other special occasions. I don't go hog wild but I will enjoy myself.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't call them cheat days as the implication is that I'm doing something very wrong...I call it having a life and having a little fun now and then is pretty irrelevant to the bigger picture.
  • BarbellzNBrotein
    BarbellzNBrotein Posts: 306 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I don't call them cheat days as the implication is that I'm doing something very wrong...I call it having a life and having a little fun now and then is pretty irrelevant to the bigger picture.

    Yep, this. The phrase "cheat day" kinda sets you up for failure.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If you have to have "cheat days" the diet you are on probably isn't for you.
  • evilish
    evilish Posts: 9 Member
    A "treat" or "cheat meal" that stays within your calorie allowance should just be called "normal" eating ;). A "cheat" meal to me would be like an extra 450 calories just from wine, plus a little this and that... I could see one of these meals adding up to 2000 calories easily. Whatever works for the individual, though! Have a great party, I'm sure you'll be just fine! :smiley:
  • calleefrances
    calleefrances Posts: 19 Member
    @redraidergirl2009 I am not on a diet thanks though!
  • forlaura
    forlaura Posts: 27 Member
    For me, cheat days/meals, seem to set me up for sabotage... I think it's a "know thyself" kind of thing... If you can "cheat" here and there and make it fit into your plan, than more power to you... I find achieving a reasonable balance and allowing myself an occasional addition to my day works best for me.
  • seekingdaintiness
    seekingdaintiness Posts: 137 Member
    What is a "cheat day"?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    @redraidergirl2009 I am not on a diet thanks though!
    You would have to be in order to have "cheat days".
  • TheRootofGroot
    TheRootofGroot Posts: 118 Member
    I'm quite OCD about my tracking, entering every single thing down to the gram even if it is very light stuff.
    So every couple of weeks I will permit myself debauchery.
    I won't even add it to my diary at this point.
    Like last night I ate a sharwarma, a foot long so-cal hot dog, a meatlovers poutine, oreo cheesecake, nanaimo bar, chocolate dipped soft serve icecream oh and 18 chicken wings.
    Felt good.
    Back to meticulous tracking.
    Working out like a champ.

    I don't suggest this type of reckless behavior until you've reached your goals.
  • Ricardinho88
    Ricardinho88 Posts: 17 Member
    My vices are chicken kievs and beer. I gave them both up to start eating much healthier, so I treat myself to them once a week!
  • cliftonav
    cliftonav Posts: 29 Member
    I'm quite OCD about my tracking, entering every single thing down to the gram even if it is very light stuff.
    So every couple of weeks I will permit myself debauchery.
    I won't even add it to my diary at this point.
    Like last night I ate a sharwarma, a foot long so-cal hot dog, a meatlovers poutine, oreo cheesecake, nanaimo bar, chocolate dipped soft serve icecream oh and 18 chicken wings.
    Felt good.
    Back to meticulous tracking.
    Working out like a champ.

    I don't suggest this type of reckless behavior until you've reached your goals.

    What the hell!!!?
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I usually have a "cheat meal" once every two weeks. My family and I usually go out to a chinese/japanese buffet house every other Wednesday, and I tend to indulge whenever I go. I'm not entirely sure if it counts as a cheat though, as I usually have a smaller breakfast and no lunch to compensate.
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    My methods are similar to others who've posted on here. I don't see the days I decide to eat something less healthy as "cheating", and my dietitian strongly encourages this mindset. If you want your lifestyle to stick, you have to allow yourself to live a little. If every once in awhile I go to a festival (or a family party) and eat some deep fried something or other and some dessert, it's no big deal, as long as it's not all the time. As the saying goes, some days you eat salad and go to the gym, other days you eat cupcakes and refuse to wear pants. It's called balance. :)
  • calleefrances
    calleefrances Posts: 19 Member
    @redraidergirl2009 mmmm... No not really. The cheat day I am referring to here is that you have a meal that is pretty much empty calories (not my usual kind of choice) eg greasy pizza from home, or a big feed of Chinese food, and when you indulge a little on something you normally wouldn't (eg, the alcohol I drank at the party). As i predicted, I went slightly over my carbs - but barely. Still remained in my calorie budget though! It was successful, it was fun, and now here it is Monday and I am right back on track.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    Like last night I ate a sharwarma, a foot long so-cal hot dog, a meatlovers poutine, oreo cheesecake, nanaimo bar, chocolate dipped soft serve icecream oh and 18 chicken wings.

    That sounds awesome. Cheat days aren't for everyone, but they can be a fun way to break the monotony of calorie-counting. I plan cheat days on holidays and special occasions - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, graduation, etc. There's always an overwhelming amount of temptations during those times, and this takes the stress out.