When you realise your weight has not only been holding you back, but your kids too...

<3 Hi Everyone! :)

I'm Kelly, 28 and from Scotland. I work full time and I have three beautiful kids.

I started my 'life change' (no diet for me here!) 8 days ago and have lost 12lbs already tipping the scales at 15 stone 2 yesterday.

I feel amazing! I actually took my kids out of the house today when usually I avoid it like the plague only going out when I need to for work or shopping. We walked 2 miles there and back to the nearest park and it was so much fun! Can't believe I let my weight stop me from being outside and spending quality time with them!

I'm looking for more friends please to help motivate me and for me to do the same back <3<3

Lots of love xoxoxo


  • jodieelol
    jodieelol Posts: 33 Member
    Amazing, well done @KellyFaulds that's real good progress :)
    I'm half a pound off of losing 3 stone and I've never been happier :)
  • KellyFaulds
    KellyFaulds Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 2016
    That's amazing :)

    I really hope this makes me happy! I've hid behind the 'baby weight' excuse too long lol.

    What exercise are you doing? I've found a new love for walking and been on cross trainer every night but getting a little boring! Xx