Cheat days

diana6628 Posts: 21 Member
How many take cheat days? If so how often? Benefits? Down falls?


  • KellyFaulds
    KellyFaulds Posts: 18 Member
    I have 1 cheat day - I'm good all day and then have a drink (usually vodka and diet lemonade!) and a takeaway - I think it's important to have a night off exercising and to let your hair down a bit :) Feel like crap in the morning though lol
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I don't do cheat days , one cheat day can wipe out your entire weeks deficit.
    I do have treat meals though. Depending on how I'm doing , i will have a treat meal each week. Sometimes twice if I have burnt a lot that week.
  • kukaruban
    kukaruban Posts: 10 Member
    I try to do cheat days like once or twice a week (usually the day when I weigh myself, so I can congratulate myself for all the hard work).. but my cheat days aren't so much "days" as just meals. like on these days, I'll eat lots of candy and pizza for dinner, but i'll eat normally for breakfast and lunch. i don't go more than like 2500 for the total of the day, so its not a crazy excessive amount. but it's still me indulging in good junk food, you know?
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    I have days where I go over my calorie goal, or eat foods I don't eat regularly. But I don't call that "cheating" I call it moderation. When I had the cheat day mentality, that was just setting myself up for a binge because I had been "so good".
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    I never aim for an entire day, of overeating but have chosen to; per meal. If it's something that's planned, like a birthday party; I'll save 100 calories a day for a week before. If it's spontaneous, I'll eat 100 calories less a day; for a week.
  • TriciaFPal
    TriciaFPal Posts: 44 Member
    I do have one cheat each week. Just plan for it by exercise or adjusting other meals. Whether it's pizza or beer/wine - its only one night though not a whole day!!
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I don't cheat on anything. Not days, not meals. I have what I want and I make it fit. If I go over a little bit, I make up for it over the next day(s).
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    I stole this way of thinking from Penn Jillette, but it changed my whole perspective and made me feel better about eating less than ideal on occasion.

    I don't consider them cheats. If my rules for my diet allows for me to pig out 1 meal every few weeks, then that's not cheating. Cheating makes it sound like you're doing something wrong, and why would you PLAN to do something wrong? I refer to it as "rare and appropriate." So at most once every few weeks, if I want to pig out and go over my calorie goal I do it. Its a rare event, and i allow for it so its appropriate. often I end up not even having those rare and appropriate meals except on special occasions. I'm not sitting there watching the calendar anxious for my set day to roll around. Thinking in this perspective make it feel so much better and drastically cut back on how often I eat less than ideal.