Motivational friends? New here.

When you know deep down in your heart that it's time, and you change your mindset, nothing can happen but success.. Why are we afraid? We tell ourselves it's not that bad, so we eat a second helping, or we don't excesize.. We lie to ourselves. The only thing that comes from an excuse is failure.. I know it's my time. Five years ago, I weighed 220 pounds.. Less than a year later, I was down to 135. It took dedication, but I did it.. After depression hit, having a child, I let everything go and I'm 245 pounds.. I don't feel good about myself.. I don't go to the lake, ocean, or pretty much anywhere public. Not that I don't enjoy it, but what's the point? So I can feel hot in my baggy clothes trying to cover my size, so I can bow my head as I pass others because I have disgust for my own self? Slowly I'm learning to love myself again. I have a beautiful life given to me, and a beautiful child. It's time for success and to stop making excuses. I've done it before so I know what needs to be done. I am looking forward to being able to run again, go to the lakes with confidence. When my son is older, I want to be able to run around and play with him, not watch from the bench. My time is now, your time is now. Let's do this.


  • x_xKarina
    x_xKarina Posts: 219 Member
    You got this. You know what you have to do so lets do this.

    Add me anyone..
  • work2gether2
    work2gether2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm learning that this is a mind thing and the only thing we have to do is make up our mind. Let's do this!
  • KellyFaulds
    KellyFaulds Posts: 18 Member
    I'm learning that this is a mind thing and the only thing we have to do is make up our mind. Let's do this!

    Couldn't agree more! I was never ready before - I KNOW I am now!! We can do this! Feel free to add me anyone xx
  • KellyFaulds
    KellyFaulds Posts: 18 Member
    How do you add someone as a friend? Z