What is your activity level?

How do you determine if you are Sedentary, Lightly Active, Active, or Very Active?


  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I go by steps because I'm a walker. I just set myself to sedentary here at MFP, let Fitbit figure out my movement level for the day, and eat my exercise cals as my evening snacks while I watch TV with hubby. (Since I like to snack a lot in the evenings, I aim for 20K steps a day on average.)

    If you move less than 5000 steps a day, call yourself sedentary and log purposeful exercise. :)
  • mdrolle
    mdrolle Posts: 20 Member
    If you select sedentary, it will set you up for an extreme caloric deficit if you are trying to drop any weight. If you chose sedentary, I would log exercise and eat those additional calories. Anything else and I'd suggest not eating back the extra.
  • emmadonaldson95
    emmadonaldson95 Posts: 179 Member
    Im a waitress and aim for 15000-20000 steps a day and let my up move tracker adjust for me. So i set myself as active
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I set mine to light, then add exercises as I do them.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    I set mine as sedentary, because if I didn't purposely exercise, I would walk less than 2,000 steps a day most days. My non-active day (Sunday) always ends up with my Fitbit taking calories away because I'm not active enough even for the sedentary setting.
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I'm set to active. I'm a veterinary technician and get around 10-12k daily at work.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I'm set to sedentary. I work at a desk most of my day, wit the exception of meetings, etc..but I still try to get 10-15K steps in and let my Polar watch calculate any level above sedentary.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I'm set at sedentary, and walk between 15,000-25,000 steps a day. But i have my fitbit synced to mfp which gives me extra exercise calories.
  • dahye_diet
    dahye_diet Posts: 18 Member
    I'm set at sedentary as well. I'm literally stuck at a desk all day because of studying, and I barely walk 5,000 steps either.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    I'm set to active because I work in a kitchen and always walking around. I usually get about 10k steps by the time I leave work. I average around 15k steps per day.
  • 2muchfnsugar
    2muchfnsugar Posts: 866 Member
    I've always set mine to sedentary. That way if I do more activity, it's just gravy, well not literal gravy, just extra lol.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    From the Goals section under My Home ...

    How would you describe your normal daily activities?

    Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job)
    Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. teacher, salesman)
    Active: Spend a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g. waitress, mailman)
    Very Active: Spend most of the day doing heavy physical activity (e.g. bike messenger, carpenter)

    Therefore, I am sedentary.
  • saires_au
    saires_au Posts: 175 Member
    I'm a nurse and normally do 12000-13000 steps a day, I'm set to active. I use my Fitbit and this setting leaves me with less calorie adjustments at the end of the day, and my weightloss has been inline expected weightloss with this setting.

    I also log my workouts on my Fitbit not mfp I'm currently doing 1x boot camp, 1x PT session, 1x Pilates and boxing class a week. These calories transfer across to mfp too.

    If you're using mfp as designed without a tracker you set your general activity level then add intentional exercise.