Any one doing this - AGAIN?

I had huge success and lost 45 kilograms. I was super fit and dedicated to working out. I was eating healthy. I looked and felt the best I had ever had. A whole load of factors played a part and now Im back up 30 kilograms. I am HEART BROKEN and angry and disappointed. How did I get back to this person? The switch has finally flipped again and I am ready to take back my body. I am looking for people who have or are going through the same thing. Id love to hear from you and get in touch and help kick your *kitten* into gear if you promise to do the same for me? Kerry xxx


  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    yes, I originally started in august 2014, lost something like 13kg but then was really ill during december and Jan 2015, then we decided to try for a baby in feb 2015 and baby was born end of november 2015.

    he is now almost 8months old and i figured it was time to get back to it
  • Saltfae
    Saltfae Posts: 82 Member
    I feel you. Lost 100 lbs and gained it all back. Trying again but having no motivation is putting a damper on things.
  • PhoenixWithoutAshes1
    PhoenixWithoutAshes1 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome to my world! Had lots of success here, was in good shape and then life kind of blew up and I lost all my motivation and willpower. But I'm back and determined to win this battle. If you want to know more, check out my blog post (my one and only so far) or friend me. Just remember, you have lots of great help here, especially your fellow MFPeeps!
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    I lost 50 lbs last year and have no gained all of it back. Previously i had lost 75 and gained that back as well. This time around i'm having such a hard time getting going. Hubby and I are doing it together, but he is doing amazing and i feel like i am dragging him down. This has been a new start this week, so far so good, but its only Tuesday ofc! Feel free to add me!
  • shesagoalgetter
    shesagoalgetter Posts: 4 Member
    Feel like I wrote this original post myself! :( I'm ready if you're ready!
  • k9babygirl
    k9babygirl Posts: 13 Member
    I'm the same time to kick my sorry button in to gear again I have a wedding to go 2 in December I'm not being the fat one again add me please
  • LadyLethe
    LadyLethe Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, I'm there too. I actually lost some weight and now I have gained it back plus more. I am the heaviest I have ever been and could use some support too. So feel free to add me. I just hit a point this morning where I am devastated and mad at myself, but determined to do this.
  • sandyharpham
    sandyharpham Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I recently started back with changing my eating habits to a low carb diet. I am just starting out and it's rough as I have no support in this but myself. I am ready to do it if you are.
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    Yes! I lost 15lbs (about 50% of what I had to lose) and fell off and maintained until now, when I'm ready to finish off what I started. Just logged my lunch, breakfast, and snack, and I'm forcing myself to stick to those totals until dinner. :) If you wanna message me, or add me, we can help support each other!
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    Yup! I, too, am doing it again. Sent you an FR!
  • c1ownfishie
    c1ownfishie Posts: 82 Member
    Yup, same here! I lost 20 pounds about 6 months ago and I recently gained it all back. I started getting back to my healthy routine about 3 weeks ago but haven't seen much progress. Feel free to add me!!! :)
  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    I had a similar experience I lost a little more than 40 lbs a few years ago and kept it off until about a tear ago when I fell completely off track and gained 16 lbs thought it would be easy to get it off but so far Ive only lost 6-8 lbs but gained back a few of those so I still have 11 or 12 to go UGH!!! Time to get back on track and get serious about the weight loss once and for all. Feel free to add me if I can help you on your journey. But know you are certainly not alone .
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,511 Member
    Add me to the list. Last time, I thought I was losing it for the last time - wrong again.
  • AmberDalum
    AmberDalum Posts: 39 Member
    I would like to be apart of your group also.
  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    Me!! Lost 80 pounds and then had 2 babies in 11.5 months and gained half of that back. I need to lose 60 now to be at my goal weight!!
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Don't know why I waited so long to get back to mfp when tracking helped so much in the past. I'm the ultimate yo yoer but off to a seriously strong start once again. All welcome to add me - happy to offer & receive support
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    yep, sadly this is my 3rd time climbing back onto the wagon =/
  • Curvescomplete
    Curvescomplete Posts: 2 Member
    This is the story of my life. I didn't have problems like this when I was younger. (weight gain) I am now in my late 60's and it is a lot harder to lose. I used to play soccer (20 years), racquetball, volleyball and basketball for the city; therefore I was pretty fit. I felt my best in my 40's, but now I am not as active because I do not want to injure my knees anymore by doing sports that I dearly love. I do not limp, but my knees do have problems and I don't want to be limping.

    I do go to the gym 3 times a week, at least. I hike and work in the yard in the fall, winter, and spring. Not in the summer because it is just too hot here in the valley of the sun.

    My suggestion is that we all COUNT EVERY BITE we eat BEFORE we eat it. I have done the best this week because of that. My husband, who doesn't have a weight problem, suggested to go to a burger place while we were out this week. I did not want to go, but he is a stubborn man and does not understand how hard it is to lose a pound. He told me I did not have to eat. Yeah, right. Like that was going to happen. I selected a hot dog with no soda or chips. I am lucky that I don't drink sodas. I was satisfied and knew I had those calories I could spare. I definitely think we need to count our calories. Be sure to weigh your food. Scales are pretty cheap on Amazon.

    My friend that is on this with me has been a big help because we are feeding off of each other and we weigh every Monday and report to each other our accomplishment. We don't lie to each other as to what we ate wrong, etc. because we need to support each other My friend suggested that I keep a meal in one bar in my purse for incidents like I had this week with the burger place. I think that is a great idea. Although they cost $4.00 a piece, I would rather do that then gain any weight back that I have slaved/starved to lose. I really don't want to say starve because we should be eating filling foods that make us feel full.

    Another suggestion, that I also need to take is when we lose the weigh is to monitor our weight once a week and go back on a diet quickly so that we don't gain it all back. Weight Watchers has a plan where you weigh in every week and when you reach your goal, you can be a lifetime member. I think they want you to be withing 2 pounds of your lost weight. That is what all of us need to do is watch our weight weekly and have a friend or friends that can do this with you. You don't have to join WW to do this.

    Good luck to all of us that are struggling with our weight. We do need to motivate each other any way that we can. the more the merrier.
  • annadeniseb96
    annadeniseb96 Posts: 1 Member
    Same. I actually lost 60lb, then recently gained 40lb back. Crazy how much faster it comes back.. I've been trying to get back to eating less, but I just can't find the motivation to get started (I know I can maintain a diet once I see progress - it's just the first month that sucks). I'm here to hopefully find somebody who can help keep me in line. So if anyone here would like to kick my butt for me, I'd really appreciate it.
  • dawnkimber3
    dawnkimber3 Posts: 12 Member
    Same here. I will not give up! Add me please.